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Receptions had a certain flow to them. Although Bucky and Steve wouldn't have minded spending the whole night gazing affectionately at one another, they knew that there were certain traditions that they wanted to practice.

Cutting the cake was one of those traditions. It felt like they had spent months trying to choose the right cake. What they finally decided on was an artistic ocean themed four tier chocolate and vanilla cake. It truly was a beautiful cake and one that any artist could admire as it drew inspiration from their beach wedding by looking like someone had used a palette knife to add dimension to the abstract waves with different shades of blue to create a remarkable, yet subtle, ocean. Then, edible seashells had been strategically placed circling the cake as though they were being swept up in a current.

"It's almost too pretty to cut," Bucky softly told Steve.

With a smile, Steve rolled his eyes and gestured for Bucky to hold the knife with him as they cut into the bottom chocolate layer of the cake. Their guests watched and Carol documented the moment, just like she had been doing all evening.

Each delicately holding a bite-size piece of the cake, they went to feed each other when they both seemed to have the same idea and playfully shoved the pieces into each other's faces. Smearing cake and icing on one another's faces, while laughing uncontrollably, Steve pulled Bucky close to give him a messy, sugary kiss.

Steve was sure that feeling Bucky laughing against his lips was the best feeling in the world.

After the couple was cleaned up and the cake was distributed among their loved ones, there was another tradition for the couple to take care of. The DJ announced, "Can we please have everyone clear the dance floor for a moment as the couple has their first dance as husbands!"

Lacing their fingers together, Steve and Bucky headed out to the middle of the dance floor. Facing each other, Steve intimately set his hand on Bucky's lower back while Bucky slid his hand up to the back of Steve's neck to tangle his fingers in Steve's tousled blond hair.

Since that first night in Bucky's kitchen, they had danced many times together. Whether it was barefoot in the kitchen at two in the morning. Or at a club after a Kismet Cabaret show. Or naked in their bedroom. They couldn't get enough of swaying to the music, no matter the beat.

Not for the first time, Steve couldn't be bothered with thinking of everyone in attendance. Bucky had been and always would be his only concern. The only one who mattered in a room filled with people.

Holding one another close, Steve rested his forehead against Bucky's as they swayed to the music. Nothing fancy, just allowing the song to move them. When the chorus came, Steve sang the lyrics to Bucky, "Seems so fitting for, Happily ever after, How could I ask for more? A lifetime of laughter, At the expense of the death of a bachelor."

Grinning so wide that it crinkled up to his eyes, Bucky leaned in to Steve and gave him a giggly kiss.

As the songs changed and their guests joined them on the dance floor, Bucky and Steve couldn't be bothered. They just kept holding onto each other. Neither had ever thought that this day would come for themselves, and they refused to be separated.

Eventually, the pair started moving to the faster tempos of the love songs that the DJ played. They also included their friends and families.  Both sets of parents.  Bucky's younger sisters and nephew. Along with Tony, Pepper, and Morgan. Sharon and Sam theatrically danced alongside the newlyweds with Sharon bumping her hip against Steve's. Natasha had even managed to drag Bruce out to the dance floor. Of course, that was probably because Wanda and her beau were also out there.

A very pregnant Laura even made her way over to the group with a very cautious Clint.

It was absolutely perfect. However, Steve was ready to have Bucky all to himself. During a poppy, upbeat song, Steve pulled Bucky into him. Being that close, Bucky could feel Steve's cock hardening and instantly became aroused.

Arching his brows, Steve comically gestured towards the hotel. Bucky thought for a moment before trying to decline the appealing offer, "We can't..."

"We can," Steve reassured and leaned in to press a heated, seductive kiss to Bucky's neck.

"Are you trying to give me a boner?" Bucky quietly chuckled into Steve's ear.

"That's all I ever want to do," Steve teased, scraping his teeth erotically along Bucky's earlobe.

Bucky bit his own lower lip and buried his face in Steve's neck, so no one could see his blush. Although Bucky hadn't truly been against the idea of heading up to the honeymoon suite, he still caved and said, "We have to say goodbye first."

"Of course," Steve readily agreed. Taking Bucky's hand, Steve cut through their guests towards the DJ. Once they were there, the DJ looked expectantly at the couple and Steve explained, "We're gonna leave."

The DJ seemed surprised, but he handed Steve a microphone regardless, who then handed the microphone to Bucky. Stopping the song, the guests turned to see why the music stopped. When they spotted Steve and Bucky, they curiously watched.

"We just wanted to thank you all for coming and sharing this day with us," Bucky started. Still holding Steve's hand in his, he continued, "It means so much to us that you love us enough to support us every day, but especially today. So, thank you, again, but we're going to leave."

Steve could see some of their loved ones looked shocked and positively scandalized, but he gave absolutely zero fucks. All he wanted to do was get Bucky alone.

"You're free to party until they kick you out, as far as we're concerned," Bucky teased. With an endearing grin, Bucky declared, "We love you all so much. Again, thank you!"

Bucky barely handed the microphone back to the DJ before Steve started rushing towards the hotel with Bucky in tow. Both men waving at their loved ones as they passed, but not daring to stop and spend even a second longer there. Only the sound of their friends and family loudly cheering and teasing matched the newlyweds' laughter.

I Do:  Blue Series 2 (Stucky Modern California AU)Where stories live. Discover now