Part 1

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Roger thumbed through a magazine as he sat with his feet propped up on the table as Freddie walked into their shop with one hand full of clothes to sell and another hand pushing a pram.

"How can you push that thing one handed?" Roger asked as he looked over from his magazine

"I'm still getting used to it. I've only had Bijou home for two weeks." Freddie said of his adopted newborn daughter who until now had been sleeping peacefully in the pram

Roger put away his magazine and began sorting through the clothing when little Bijou let out a loud shriek.

He looked around for Freddie who disappeared into the back to count the money (as it was the end of the day and the day had been slow to begin with).

Roger sighed.

"I guess I'm babysitting." he mumbled as he got up from his position and walked over to the pram

He lifted little Bijou out and put her on his shoulder, rubbing her back to calm her.

It didn't work. She just wailed louder.

Soon, the door opened and Roger looked around thinking it was another customer that he had to shoo off.

But it wasn't.

It was only Brian.

Roger could feel his face getting red at the sight of the curly haired tall man.

"Uh, uh... Hi Bri!" He said almost out of breath

Brian chuckled.

"I see that Freddie has left you to babysit little Bijou." he said

"Yeah!" Roger said a little louder because of the crying

"Need some help?" Brian asked as he found a bottle in the pram

"Yes." Roger replied as he took the bottle and began to feed Bijou

Soon after, Bijou had finished the bottle but had gone back to screaming.

"Now what?" Roger asked

Brian shrugged.

"I'll find Freddie." Brian said as he began to walk away

But Roger stopped him.

"No. I'll go find him. You stay with the baby." He said as he passed Bijou over to Brian and walked off

But before disappearing into the back, he turned around and said to Brian "You do know I want your babies, right?"

Brian smiled at him then cleared his throat and said "Roger, you can't say that in front of a child."

Roger smirked and gave an air kiss before turning around to find Freddie.

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