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*Sigh* why do I do this? Why do I start new stories when I haven't finished my old ones?

I don't know.

What I do know is that this one has already been mapped out and each Avenger will get there own chapter.

Its something I've always wanted to see. Where was everyone else when S.H.I.E.L.D. fell?

Well, I hope you enjoy.please read and review!

God bless,


"Hill, where's Steve? You got a location on Rogers?" She says, trying to speak over the loud blades of a helicopter. 

Natasha waits for a response. "Hill?"

"What's wrong?" Sam yelled, looking up at her.

"Hill, where's Cap?" She says beginning to feel desperate.

There's a moment of static before the voice comes through, "He was still on the Triskelion."

It was short and clipped. The full gravity of what Hill said caused her eyes to widen slightly.

"Natasha?"  Sam shouted.

She barely heard him. She looked out the window at the Triskelion. Metal and fire falling from the sky.

"Where's the Winter Soldier?" she directed at Sam.

"He was up there!" He said nodding towards the ships falling out of the sky.

"нет, " she whispered.

"Natasha, what's going on what's wrong?"

The Chopper set down in the middle of a large field. Natasha stayed staring out the window towards the destruction.

Fury took off his headset and turned around. "Natasha, what's the situation?"

"Steve, Cap, he was still up there."

There was a moment of silence. "But..." Sam turned his own head towards the sky full of smoke and ashes, but the large ship was gone.

As if everything had just set in, Natasha felt a small amount of panic rise. S.H.I.E.L.D had fallen. And Steve was...  Missing.

She pulled out her phone, cursing the useless names and numbers. But there was one person she was sure she could still trust.

She dialled Clint. He didn't answer. She called again. And again. And again. No answer.

She'd finally done it. Lost everything. This was the exact reason she didn't get close to people.

"Natasha," Fury's hand on her shoulder surprised her and he ended up with a gun in his face. He easily deflected and she sighed.

"Everything's gone." She said feeling once again like the little girl who had everything stripped away from her. The little girl who was taught to be nothing but a fighting machine.

She was still that little girl.

Fury's grip tightened comfortingly.

"The-there's still a chance." She manages to choke out.

Fury nods. "Go find him. The Captain has a lot of enemies. We can't let them have his body."

She threw him an angry glare.

He shrugged in an almost calming manner. "Alive or dead, there are few people I trust to find him."

She straightened up, sending the scared little girl back into the dark recesses of her mind.

"Sam," she called out to the shell shocked looking soldier.

He turned to her, an unreadable look I'm his eyes.

"Let's go." Was all she said.

He followed obediently.

She would find him. She was determined.

After all, he would have done the same for her.

And she needed him to be okay.

He trusted her and she trusted him.

That wasn't something she took lightly.


There's the first chapter! I tried to make it as realistic as I could based on what was in the movie.

Next up is Tony! Its one of my fave chapters.

I'll update next Wednesday (or try to at least.)

Let me know what you thought!

God bless,

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