2 Weeks Later

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2 Weeks Later

Im finally out of school and chilling at home.

"JA GET DOWN HERE", My da yelled from downstairs

I went downstairs and sat on the couch beside him

"Wassup da", i said

" Im leaving on a trip for 2 months and I need you to watch my boys", he said

"Why you leaving", I asked

" Business",he said

"Oh when you leaving",I asked

"Tonight",he said

"Omg ima miss you,dont get hurt,i love you",i said

"Okay", he said

I went back upstairs to my room and took a nap














"Hey baby girl wake up", my daddy said

"Huh", I said half way sleep

"Im finna leave",he said

"Okay i love you daddy", i said and hugged him

"I love you too bye",he said

I heard the front door open and close i got up did my routine and put on a black tank top zebra print shorts and black socks and hair inca messy bun its 6:32pm and im not even sleepy no more. I went downstairs and saw all the boys on the couch. I sat in between Drew and Shorty.

"Sistaa", O.G said

"Bestfrannn",Ice said

"Turn Up Buddy", Shorty said

"......." Drew just quiet

"Wassup yall",I said

"How many friends you made since you been down here", Ice asked

" Lots but 3 real friends name Tykeria,Lala, and Tina", I said

"Thats whats up", Ice said

" Im finna hit a couple clouds at J house ill be back later", Shorty said

"Im finna go down to old girl house", O.G said

"Well i need a shower ill be back", Ice said

Now its just me and Drew down here

"Hey meany", I said breaking the silence

"...hey",he said

"Whats wrong with you",I said

"Nothing tired",he said

"Come on lets watch a movie in my room", I said

Drew POV

Shawty fine and all but thats Money daughter he would kill me if I dated ha...

"Ight",I said

She got the pop corn and drinks and we went upstairs to her room and watch Good Deeds.


" Oo can I have this corner of popcorn", Jade asked

"No ima finna ear this", I said reaching my hand in the bag

She popped my hand and ate the rest of the pop corn

"Now what I just tell you",I said

"I dont know and I dont care", She said

I got up and started tickling her

"Hehehehe", she was just laughing "i give up im sorry"

I stopped tickling her and and got up and walked off then she punched me playfully I turned around and hit her SOFT/ PLAYFULLY in her stomach. She punch me in my chest. I picked her up and slammed her on the bed and got on top of her. She was breathing heavy and so was I..

I leaned in and kissed her to my surprise she kissed back.. I like this girl she a fine red bone

Forreal. She pulled away and looked at me

"Im sorry", she said

"You good", I said

She put her head on my chest sn i wrapped my arms around her waist and went to sleep


Thank You






I Luhh Juhh Bew


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