/Retired Thug\Job/

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Important news
*This might be like my last update of december because Im not getting any votes or comments. So unless y'all meet the goal at the end of the chapter then say bye to this book. Y'all ain't showing meh no love! But anyways thats Djaay in the mm or wtevaa! I am going to delete the rest of the chapters that I made when y'all were going to vote and stuff but y'all not. So if y'all reach the goal then I will continue yo update. If not I'll just write like 3 more chapters then write a epilogue. So please meet the goal thanks.*

.... Jade ....

I let DJaay stay a night at Tina house since her nephew was too. I didn't see Drew in bed so I got up did my hygiene and put on a white shirt that had a black bandana on it with the words "Act Like A Lady Think Like A Boss",In white. Y'all know them pants thats look like sweatpants that are baggy and the top and tight at the bottom. Yeah I put on them with Black bandana print on them. I put on my black comeback boots and flat iron my hair. I put part in the middle and went downstairs with Drew..

25 minutes later at the table eating breakfast...

"What we doing today",Drew asked

"I don't know what you doing but I know what I'm doing",I said

"What you doing",He asked while taking a sip of his orange juice.

"Going to look for a job",I said. He spit it out

"Nope",he said

"Nope what"

"Yeen getting no job",He said

"Why not",I said

"Cause I said so and thats my final answer now bye I'm going to the trap house for a meeting",He said and got up and tried to kiss. I turned my head and him kiss my check.

"JaeBaby",he said calling me by my nickname most people know me as

"Huh",I asked

"I Love You",he said

"Mhmm k bye"I said and stood up and he pushed me against the wall. He put hand in my pants and rubbed it then kissed me. I let a couple moans.

"I love you",he said again

"I love you too",I said

He let me go.

"Why you did that to me",I asked him

"Did what",he said smiling and winking at me.

"You know what you did"

"I do but bye bae and stay your ass at home",He said and peck me one more time.

2 hours later
W/ Drew

"Ight Y'all so I'm Finna retire",Money said

"You Finna be a retired thug",OG Said

"Yup",Money said

"So what about us, what we suppose to do",Ice asked

"Im leaving everything to Drew... so Drew is the boss"

W/ Tina

Oo lawwd its me and Lala and these kids are working my nerves. And this Bre is to. ( the baby)
*Hear glass fall*

W/ Ty

What up Bishhhes!!! Well Im waiting until Shorty come back so we can go to the beach. I have on a a pink bikini with high waisted shorts and a white half shirt and white sandals. But yeahh Im sitting watching tv so bye babiesssss!

W/ Jade

Im at the mall in kids footlocker. Doing what???








GETTING AN JOB.. I just walked in and its this fine ass boy..

"Hey beatiful",he said

"Hey is your boss here",I asked

"Yeah come on and my name is Dre",He said

"Well thanks.. Dre", I said

He led me to this back room and Knocked on the door

"Come In", A deep voice said

I walked in and sat in front of his desk

"Well hello my name is Tommy what you need",Tommy asked

"A job",I said

"Haha Ight tell me about yourself "

"Well my name is Jade Johnson but you might know me as JaeBaby",I started

"Ayeee you Money daughter and Drew girl",He said

"Uhh yeahh",I said

"Why you need a job don't you already have money"

"Yeah but I don't want to depend on people my whole life", I said truly

"I feel ya ", He said

" Ight soooo"

"You got the job",He said

"Thanks when do I start", I asked

"Next week on Tuesday 7am to 7 pm."

"Okay thanks",he said

I got up and walked out I said bye to Dre and went home

11 vote


For next chapter

DJaay on side

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