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Drew POV

When I left out the trap house we poured some gasoline on it and set that shit on fire. I checked my phone and saw 0 missed calls and 0 text messages. Damn I guess she was Foreal. And none of my side hoes called me either.

" Damn I got 21 missed calls and 43 text messages from Ja",O.G said.

" I got 17 missed calls and 39 text messages", Ice said

" Hehe I got 12 missed calls and 21 text messages",shorty


"How many you got", Ice asked

"0 missed calls and 0 text messages", Drew said

Everybody busted out laughing

"Boy noo Im finna call my sista back", O.G said

He called her and she picked up on the 1st ring

"OMG are you okay", Jade asked

"Yep no cuts or bruises on me", O.G said

"What about Shorty", She asked

"Same",O.G answered

"And Ice", she asked again

"This nigga the clumsy one but surprise sameeee", O.G said

"Oh well okay", She said

"Aye lemme see the phone", I whispered to O.G . He handed it to me and him and the other boys started ti make a converstaion

Phone Convo

Drew: Hello


Drew: Damn Ja stop playing

Jade: Im not

Drew: Whats wrong

Jade: Nothing

Drew: Man just open the door

I told her ole stubborn ass to open the door because we was already here. I went in the house and went upstairs to her. She was in a white tank top and blue shorts with fuzzy socks and her hair in a messy bun.. no lie she was looking fineeeee boy but yeaa.

"Ja why you mad",I asked her

"...... Hahahahaha",she just started laughing and I got a confused look on my face that the fawkk

"What the fuck so funny",I asked

"I don't really know why I'm mad",she said

"Wow",I said

"Yup",She said

"Ja you know I like you right",I said to her looking her in the eyes.

"Yea and I like you too",She said looking me back in the eyes

"Jade Shania Brooks I love you so much, I want you to be mine...forever I want you to be Mrs.Johnson I want us to have kids together and you the only one that have my kids and no body else please gimme a chance. I wont hurt you, come on baby," I said truthfully.

"Yessss", she said jumping into my arms and kissing me


Pichaa of Jade in media

Or on da side

I JUhh Boos


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