Character Intros ~ Earth Signs

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Taurus is the head mage in the kingdom, responsible for researching and teaching spells to new mages, as well as protecting the kingdom alongside Leo

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Taurus is the head mage in the kingdom, responsible for researching and teaching spells to new mages, as well as protecting the kingdom alongside Leo. His abilities apart from spellcasting are enhanced strength and earth manipulation. In the kingdom he is well respected, as well as by the rogues, but has made enemies in the demons and spirits.

• Stubborn
• Patient
• Mature


Virgo is the Spirit of Death, able to reap the souls of the dead and dying

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Virgo is the Spirit of Death, able to reap the souls of the dead and dying. Her powers besides that are nature manipulation and persuasion. She is feared yet respected in the kingdom, given offerings and worshiped like a goddess. All those in the kingdom know that when they die, it is Virgo who will come to guide their soul, or take it.

• Analytical
• Intelligent
• Apathetic


Leader of a group of rouges that the kingdom has been going after for years, Capricorn is known in the kingdom as both a criminal and a hero

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Leader of a group of rouges that the kingdom has been going after for years, Capricorn is known in the kingdom as both a criminal and a hero. She and her fellow rouges patrol the outskirts of the kingdom, protecting the small villages that lie far beyond the walls of the capital city. She has the ability of hallucinations as well as weather manipulation, able to bring down lightning and make rain fall from the skies.

• Clever
• Protective
• Self depriciating

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