Chapter 2 - Hellspawn

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Scorpio lounged against the wine red velvet couch the three demons had in their house, his long cobalt claws fiddling around with a complex puzzle of rune engraved stone pieces. The puzzle gave a satisfying click. Scorpio smiled, his small pearly white fangs glinting in the dim light of nearby candles. The smell of blood mixed with smoke wafted through the room, tendrils of gray mist weaving around the room.

There was a sharp clink from outside, alerting Scorpio in a split second. He looked up from his puzzle, royal blue eyes flickering. The demon stood up, gently placing down the rune engraved puzzle. Standing up, Scorpio strolled out of the living room and towards the front door. His thin, pale fingers gripped the blackened iron door handle, a soft click sounding as it opened, much like the click of the puzzle from before.

Before he could even get five steps from the door, Scorpio nearly ran into a grinning Aries, her scarlet hair spilling over her shoulders. His eyes went straight to the glowing jar full of souls gripped in her hands. Scorpio guessed that was what had caused the clinking noise, seeing at it was made of glass.

"Looks like Virgo sent us a little present." Aries commented, her tone casual. Regardless of how calm she tried to keep it, Scorpio could still hear the hunger and malice in her voice. But he wasn't one to judge. Having fresh souls to play around with was always fun.

"Indeed she did." Scorpio peered closer at the souls, which were all clustered in the middle, a quivering ball of colored light, "They're all monster souls. But there is quite a lot of them."

"There you two are!" Both demons glanced away from the jar, seeing their third companion a few feet away. Sagittarius trotted towards them, his long whip like tail lashing in the air.

Scorpio smiled, "Oh hey Sag. Come look at the gift Virgo gave us." He held out the jar for his friend to examine.

Sagittarius' eyes lit up. He trotted over, his hooves clicking against the glassy obsidian ground. His armor rattled as he moved, his eyes flickering crimson. Sagittarius took the jar from Scorpio, turning it over in his bony white hands. His long, curved crimson horns tapped against the glass, scraping the immaculate clear surface. The souls inside went into an immediate panic, shooting around the jar in glowing streaks, desperately trying to escape. They knew full well that if they didn't get out of there, the suffering would be worse than any death they could experience.

Sagittarius smiled, gripping the jar tightly as his tail curled up, "Afraid, little souls?" The glowing orbs paused, slowly converging together into a shivering clump again. He grinned, his two black fangs showing, "Good."

Aries fiddled with a lock of her crimson hair, "So what are we going to do with this group?" Her slit pupiled golden eyes focused intently on the tiny glowing globules in the glass.

"We could always eat them..." Scorpio mused, a cruel smirk on his face. That was an outright lie. At least for Scorpio himself. He didn't eat souls, he fed off the suffering of his victims. Not the same thing. Aries on the other hand did eat souls, though usually just the ones that she had put to death herself, and Sagittarius? Honestly Scorpio had no idea.

Aries licked her lips, her eyes gleaming as she circled around Sagittarius to get a better look at the souls, "Some of these do look very tasty...." Feral hunger filled her eyes and her long, sharp nails sliced through the air as she tapped them together, drumming her fingers.

Sagittarius shrugged, "We could also puppet them, cause some terror in the village above us." He curled his long whip like tail around the jar, holding it tightly and freeing his hands, "Though I did want to go visit a spirit..."

Scorpio raised an eyebrow but decided to acknowledge that statement later. He looked at the souls, "You two can do whatever you want with them. I have a puzzle to go finish. And someone I need to pay a visit to." He started walking off but a hand caught his arm. Scorpio turned around, brilliant blue eyes flashing with annoyance, "What?"

Aries was looking at him with curious gold eyes, "Who are you going to see?" Her nails dug into Scorpio's skin. He scowled, ripping his arm from her grasp and turning around.

"It's none of your business, Aries. Go have fun with your souls." Scorpio growled, a note of guilt in his voice.

"Why won't you tell me?" Aries asked, making her voice sound like a small child's.

"Because it is none of your f*cking business!" Scorpio hissed, immediately regretting his harsh tone. He gave a quiet sigh, rubbing his arm, "I just... you don't need to know."

"Okay...." Aries frowned, clearly concerned for her friend. She walked away, glancing back at him with those signature gold eyes.

Scorpio groaned under his breath. He loved the other demons, they were like family to him, but they could be so god d*mn nosy at times. And Scorpio was somebody who prized privacy. Oh well.

He walked into the house, getting to a circle scratched onto the ground and painted over with what looked like - and was - blood. He stepped into the middle of it, muttering a few words before a gateway opened and Scorpio stepped through it.

He emerged in the human world, disguised as a normal person. His hair was golden blonde and his eyes were the same cobalt blue, just with white scleras and not black. Scorpio observed his surroundings, finding they were just as he wanted. Tall, ornate walls. Long white linen curtains. Bottles full of strange substances and books and artifacts lying around in the various desks and counters of the room, some even on the floor. Scorpio spotted a head of black hair in the corner of the room and smiled.

"There you are." The man turned around, smiling at Scorpio with his warm brown eyes shining. He put down the gadget he had been working on.

Scorpio walked over to the other man, wrapping his pale skinned arms around him, "Hello. Have you been doing well?" He kissed the man's neck, smiling as the other male blushed.

"Yeah, I've been doing quite well. I mean, work is stressful as always but otherwise I'm feeling fine." He locked eyes with Scorpio, red dusting his cheeks.

Scorpio smirked, seeing the other male's blush. He kissed the man's cheek, hands threading in his hair gently, "Good..."

"You know it's usually me calling you." The other man chuckled, pulling both of them backwards so they were sitting on the bed. Scorpio pushed him down, pinning him to the sheets. The man blushed deeper, looking away, "Scorpio!"

Scorpio chuckled, kissing up and down the other man's neck, "Yes, but I felt like coming here today. And I don't hear any objections." They both were quiet for a second, just enjoying each other's company before Scorpio spoke again, his voice usually gentle, "Ready?"

The other man nodded, "Very ready." He blushed even redder and grinned up at Scorpio, "I love you, Scorpio."

Scorpio kissed his lips softly, pulling the blanket over them as his hands began to wander downwards, "I love you too, Taurus." He kissed Taurus again, this time drawing it out. Taurus kissed back fiercely, gripping Scorpio's shoulders. Scorpio hooked his fingers into the waistband of Taurus' pants, grinning up at him.

"Stop being such a tease." Taurus rolled his warm brown eyes, returning Scorpio's grin.

"As you wish..." Scorpio kissed Taurus deeply before his hands slipped down.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04, 2019 ⏰

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