Day in the life

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The days started passing quicker for Ed as he got used to being in the new furry body. It was still strange seeing a cat reflected back at him in the water bowl but Genevieve treated him better than most people treat other humans. She gave him his own pillow on her bed, she left the window open slightly so he could come and go as he pleased, she gave back scratches on tap and, most importantly Ed thought, She didn't talk to him in like he was a baby like most people do with their pets.

Yes, life as a cat was turning out better than expected.... with the exception of one thing. every day Genevieve would put down a saucer of cat milk of Ed. Now, Ed knew without a hint of doubt that he loathed milk. He hated the stuff and compared it to vomit whenever asked. But lately he had felt a strange craving for it. He would run over to the bowls she put down for him, always last nights dinner or fresh cooked fish and never any of that tinned rubbish, and would end up just sitting and glaring at the milk. The oddest thing was that he found himself hiss at anyone who tried to take the milk away before he'd finished and that included Al.

"I don't know what's gotten into me!" Ed complained to his little brother, having apologised for hissing at him. Genevieve had left the house some time ago so wasn't able to accidentally hear them talk. "Maybe it's just the cat instincts?" Al offered, "but I think you're over thinking this brother." he said as he left the room. So far Ed hasn't drank any milk but he wished Genevieve was there so he could sit and look at it longer. Every morning since the fiasco in the alley she had gone out for a couple of hours, leaving Ed at home and while Ed usually wondered where she'd gone, today his soul focus was the dish on the kitchen top. He took a step back, his tail wiggled, then he ran and jumped. As he climbed onto the surface he wondered briefly what his mother would think if she saw that he still couldn't reach the counter and, in this case, his reason for doing so was to get to the milk? He felt suddenly stupid but soon felt worse as Genevieve came in, having just gotten back. "Eddy? What are you doing up there? silly. You never drink it." she smiled as she saw he was after the milk. Ed found himself purr as she stroked him and watched as she dipped her finger in the milk. "it's not poison...." she licked the drop from her fingertip, "see?" she said. Ed watched her with wide eyes and felt himself blush from her cuteness. "here... just try a little." she urged him, dipping her finger in again and holding it up for Ed. She obviously thought nothing of it but, as Ed slowly leaned towards her finger and stuck his tongue out, all he could think was how this was like indirect kissing.

"You spoil that cat my love." a very familiar voice brought Ed back to reality and he looked for the owner of it. what he saw was a shocking surprise. there, stood in the doorway at 4foot 9", was... well... Edward Elric. it was crazy seeing himself stood there, talking with his voice and Ed vaguely wondered if he was dreaming.

"I just treat others the way I want to be treated." she blushed slightly as the human Ed walked over to her and ran a hand through her hair and then trailed his fingers along her jaw line to her chin. "You're so adorable, taking care of such a little runt." he said smoothly. The real Ed's eye twitched. he knew who this human was now. There was, after all, only one person alive who could copy a persons voice and body so perfectly but still be an ass. And that person was Envy. A homunculus.

Ed growled as he watched Envy, hating how he was interacting with Genevieve and basically down right flirting with her. the last straw though, was when he kissed her. ed felt himself lose it as he saw envy press his lips against hers....

Now, you're possibly thinking that Envy and Genevieve were doing all sorts of indecent things from how Ed had seen it play out, but the truth is that Envy had left his fingers just barely touching her chin as he leaned forwards for the chaste kiss on the lips.

But, no matter the truth, Ed had indeed lost it and, in his moment of anger and irritation, he leapt at envy, biting and clawing and hissing like a wild animal. Genevieve stood in shock as Envy swore and tried to get the cat off his head. It took Genevieve a moment to get herself together and pull the hissing and growling Ed off. "I'm so sorry Edward! I don't know what's gotten into him!" she apologised as she held the still struggling Ed to her chest in order to keep both boys from further harm. "Its fine." Envy grumbled, holding his aching and scratched face. "But you should keep that animal on a leash with a muzzle if it attacks people." he added angrily, heading for the door. Genevieve hurried after him, still carrying ed in her arms. "I am really sorry Edward..." she apologised. Ed hated how it sounded like she was begging for forgiveness from him. "it's fine. He just has to get used to it right? Because now I have you, I'm not going anywhere. You're all mine." Envy smiled a smile Ed recognised, not only because it was on his face. it was a smile Ed had used when he'd was using someone and they didn't know it. "of course..." Genevieve whispered, blushing madly as he went out and she closed the door behind him.

She gently put Ed down and knelt to look at him, "Eddy, be reasonable, please. I love Mr. Elric and Edward loves me too. we make each other happy and, when we're old enough, I hope to marry him too. Its something you'll have to get used to. So please, try to get along with him hmm?" she begged him as she gently stroked his head. Ed was truly pissed off now. How dare envy use a girl like this! How dare he lie and deceive her! Espcially in his body!! Genevieve would be heart broken when she found out the truth and seeing her upset was no longer something Ed wanted to see. He sighed mentally and hopped onto her knee and rubbed his head against her cheek, silently promising her he wouldn't let Envy hurt her. He would return to his human body soon and sort all this mess out.

"But... I do think he is right to some extent.... I should probably get you a collar so people will know you belong to someone. What do you think Eddy? Would you like that?" she asked, stroking him happily. Ed found himself purr as he blushed under his fur at the thought of being hers especially as this meant that there was not a single chance that Envy could take her away from him. People, especially girls, get very attached to their pets so she would likely dump 'Ed' if he suggested she got rid of 'Eddy'.

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