~Synthetic Love~

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Niall laid there watching the street lights go by. Everyone was asleep while the boy laid awake on the couch. He soon gave up trying to sleep and leaned up. Naill looked around the area and rubbed his head. The male got up and looked at everything around the bus. He sighed and sat back down, getting bored quickly. Niall was in tired in the slightest bit and he had no clue what to do. He grabbed the book Devin was reading before and started to read it in the dark. He was used to reading in such dim conditions for many reasons. Niall soon started to feel his eyes get heavy as he kept reading the book. He yawned and flipped onto of the pages. He soon enough was sound asleep with the book on his chest.

In the morning, Devin was the first to get up. He slid out of his bunk and walked into the main area. He saw Niall with his book and laughed softly. The bassist nudged the boy and smiled "hey...kid..." He poked his head. 

Niall yawned and leaned up "huh..? Wha- oh hi Devin" he rubbed his eyes and squinted them. "Did I over sleep?" He looked around seeing no one else up. 

Devin laughed softly and smiled "No kid don't worry. I just saw that you had my book." The older male leaned back in a chair. 

Niall smiled nervously and rubbed his neck "Yeah sorry...you left it out here and I couldn't sleep last night...the book helped." He grabbed the book and went to hand it back to the other.

Devin chuckled softly "No...no...I have read it around fifty times. Keep it as a welcome to your new home gift" He smiled softly and got up. He sat next to Niall, who had his feet crossed. 

Niall smiled and nodded "Thank you!" 

Devin nodded and smiled "Oh, I am a bit of a snooper and I saw the little make up bag in your back pack. Do you like make up and all that?" He leaned back as he talked to the teen. 

Niall nodded and smiled "Yeah I really do. I don't do the things you guys do, but I love having fun with it." The snow headed boy watched the older male. 

"And Chris did not even take you make up shopping..." The bassist laughed softly and shook his head "Well, at our next stop I have to get some more make up. If it is cool with you and Chris I can take you. We can get some new products." Devin got up and started to make coffee for him and the rest of the bus.

 "Oh my gosh, yeah that would be amazing. I need more besides a little four pan pallet that is almost empty." Niall giggled softly and watched him. 

"So, have you like dated anyone yet? Girl? Boy? Person?" Devin chuckled and looked back at Niall. The boy already felt very comfortable with the band member seeing that they were both very "girly" and they both liked a lot of the same things. 

"I never have fallen in love.." He laughed softly "But....I like..guys" Niall said softly. 

Devin smiled softly and knelt in front of Niall "Why do you sound so sad? Being gay is a gift, just like being straight, bisexual, and whatever the fuck you are." He put his tattooed hand on Niall's shoulder. 

The boy shrugged and sighed "I don't know..I really like this family. I love it here. I love Chris as my father and being with him feels so right, but I'm scared that if I tell him he will view me different. Like, not in the bad way-" He was cut off. 

"I get what you mean kid. I was not easy being me either, but the only advice I can give you is tell him when you are ready. Don't rush yourself." Devin smiled softly.

 Niall nodded and looked up "Okay, thank you Devin." He smiled back and gave him a hug. The raven chuckled softly and hugged Niall back.

Ricky soon walked out into the main area. He yawned and looked at the two "The fuck did I miss?" He rubbed his chest and saw the coffee. He went over to it quickly and grabbed a mug. 

"Oh, Niall was just telling me his life story and I felt really bad. I thought I would give him a hug." Devin got up and walked to the coffee too before Ricky took it all, but he was too late. Ricky basically had taken all of the coffee and put it into a huge cup. "Goddamn it Roadkill..." Devin mumbled. 

"I'll make a new pot!" Ricky stuck his tongue out. 

Devin rolled his eyes and sat down "You better. Do you like coffee?" He looked at Niall. 

Niall shrugged "I'm more of a tea guy." He grabbed his back pack and got up.

 "Oh my god you are just like Chris" Devin laughed and crossed his arms. Ricky sipped the hot coffee and nodded in agreement.

 "People keep on saying that" The snow white boy chuckled and walked into the bathroom. He started to get dressed in his normal clothes. He put on a light blue soft sweater and pink ripped skinny jeans. He put on a pink choker and fixed up his hair before walking out and sitting on the couch again. 

A few members later Vinny and Ryan walked out both with sleepy eyes. "Wow you guys look like shit" Ricky says and looks at them.

 Vinny rolls his eyes "Really? Smartass" he retorts back. 

Devin gasped and covered Niall's ears "Boys there is a child on this bus!" He acted like the over protective mother. Chris just then walked off. He looked at Devin and rubbed his head 

"Devin, dude, you think they are gonna stop swearing because a teenager is here? I thought you knew them" He laughed tiredly. 

Niall looked up and Devin and then looked straight forward.

"I can't hear jack shit"

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