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Tour went on and Niall bonded with his new found family. Him and Chris would go out just to walk around and get away from the crazy band life for an hour or two. Ghost would teach the teen about make up and when no one else was watching he would help come out with ways for Niall to come out. It was something that they both knew would be taken well by everyone, but Niall just had a bad feeling eating him away from his past. Besides that, Balz and Ricky would show Niall how to hook up things on stage and how everything worked. Vinny and Ryan just played X-Box games with him and that was all. Everyone was happy. Chris had a son. Niall had a father. Nothing could have had been better. 

Soon enough they were back in Scranton where Chris and a few other band mates lived. "You got everything, kid?" Chris walked out of the bunk area and looked at Niall. He had his own bags over his shoulder and in his hands. 

Niall nodded and smiled "Mhm, I just brought this back pack and this bag that Vinny gave me." He held up a duffle bag that the drummer had given to him to carry the things he had gotten on tour. 

Chris nodded in response "Alright good, I just called an uber, so they will be here soon to pick us up. The ride home won't be bad at all." The tall goth smiled softly and wrapped his arm around his son's neck "I had a friend of mine set up a room for you, so you will have a room to fit you in your new home." He smiled. 

"Oh awesome!" Niall smiled and laughed softly "What color is the room?" He asked as he walked to the door of the bus with his bag. 

Chris followed his new son and grabbed his phone off the counter before the two both left the bus "Well, I was going to repaint it, but it's a nice purpley pink cool. It was like a little kid's room before I bought the house and since I finished moving in right before tour started I never had time to repaint it." He smiled and shut the door to the bus when both males were off. 

The younger male smiled wide and laughed softly "That sounds absolutely perfect! Thank you!" He hugged the taller man and closed his eyes. 

"Oh kid don't thank me," Chris said as he hugged Niall back; leaning on the bus "It's your new home. Might as well make it perfect" He chuckled softly and looked at the teen. 

Niall smiled and pulled away from Chris "I still say thank you" He brushed his hair out of his face and grinned.

Soon enough the uber pulled up to bring them home. The two got in and soon Niall was off to his new life. Sure he had been around Chris and his friends for a little bit now, but that was in tour and that life style is quite different front what the life style is when you are at home. Once they got to the new home Chris walked Niall to the door and unlocked it.

"I will get a key made for you, so then you have it when you need it." He walked in and smiled, Chris set his bag down and sighed happily "God, it feels so damn good to be home." He looked behind him at Niall. 

Niall walked in slowly and looked around "Wow...it's so damn good to have a home" He smiled and looked back at Chris. He hugged the taller goth quickly and closed his eyes "Thank you..thank you...thank you.." 

Chris laughed and hugged the boy back "Niall, Niall, Niall you don't need to say thank you everytime. I was never in your place, but I can picture how it would feel like to be you. I'm just the guy who realized that you are you and hell that's amazing" He ended his short speech with a laugh before pulling away from his son. "Now run up to your room. It's the first room on the left. My room is at the end of the hall on the right." 

The teenager nodded and did not take a second to bolt up the stairs to find his new room. The house almost looked like a normal family house, but there were gothic touches all over. From paintings of crows to glass skulls on tables. 

Niall ran into his room and smiled "Holy shit" He said to himself as he looked around. 

The room was just as Chris said it was, but more. The walls were the pink-purple colors he was talking about and the floor had a white carpet from wall to wall. In one of the corners was a bed that had beautiful blankets and pillows to match. They were a very light shade of pink with a black decoration standing out. On the bed were llama plushies and some random monsters. The bedframe was a classic black metal one with a nice design in it. At the foot of a bed with an ottoman with the same design and colors as the bedsheets. Black lace drapes hung above the bed on the wall while on the wall next to it there was a while white shelve with more plushies and some books on it. Eye level to Niall a few feet away from the ottoman was a mirror with a black twisty frame was hung on the wall. Next to the mirror were hooks to hang jackets and what not. 

On the other side of the room there was a black dresser with a white trim on it. It was not full of clothes yet, but Niall new it soon would be. On the dresser was a small little stand up mirror with a black frame that had pastel cross and pastel bat necklaces hanging from it. Next to the mirror was four little baskets with more pastel crosses, bracelets, and even some small bows. Hanging above the dresser was a string with pastel pink, pastel purple, and black horse tale tassel looking things hanging from it. 

On a small table in the far corner of the room was a pastel pink record player and under the table was a milk create that already had the albums "Follow the Leader" by Korn, "Slipknot" well by Slipknot of course, "Walk Among Us" by Misfits, "Ashes of the Wake" by Lamb of God, and of course it would not be the son of Chris Motionless's room without "Reincarnate" by Motionless in White. 

There was a lot of open room on the walls, so Niall knew he would have to fill that up with whatever he could. But, for now Niall dropped his back and flopped down on his bed and looked up at the ceiling. He grabbed one of the llama plushies and held it close to his chest as he closed his eyes calmly. 

"Thank you..." He whispered to himself


Hi! I wanted to quickly say the pictures up top are what I based Niall's new room around. In Niall's room there is not as much stuff on the walls as there is in the pictures. I just wanted to make that quick comment and I'll try to upload more soon! 

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