~Origin Story~

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Niall put his bag on the ground and pulled out his lunch box. Of course it was all cutesy and dark like everything else he owned. He had found it in his closet when he was looking for an outfit, so before he left he quickly switched his lunch into his new lunch box instead of a simple grey bag Chris had given him. Chris had told him that he wasn't going to make lunch for him all the time which meant that Niall was either going to have to make his own lunch or buy from the school. Either was fine to him as long as the food he had was still good and not a soggy mess by the time he got to lunch. Niall opened up the box and pulled out a note that was sitting on top. It was from Chris of course and it read 'Have a lovely day at school I'll pick you up when you get out! <3 ~Chris'. The teen just smiled more as he kept the note to himself. He put it away into his jacket pocket before getting out his meal. Chris had packed him a grilled cheese sandwich which wasn't soggy, but it had gotten a little cold, but Niall didn't mind. There were some chips and some Hersey Kisses to go along with it. It wasn't a bad lunch seeing that this is the first lunch Chris had ever packed for a teenager. Niall smiled and picked up his sandwich. He took a bite and looked around the table at his new friends as he chewed.

"Soooo Niall, how have you been enjoying your day? You have the scariest kid in the school leading you around so I'm sure no one has been messing with you." Remington said as he put his can of coke down. This comment just made Ichabod roll his eyes and cross his arms. 

"Oh shut your trap Leith. You know people aren't really afraid of me. They are afraid of my father which I don't blame them. Even some of the teachers are scared of him." Ichabod said as he fixed one of the bracelets on his wrists before looking back at Remington. 

Niall swallowed the food that he was chewing and looked at Ichabod "Teachers are scared of your dad? Why? I know he is Marilyn Manson and all, but he is just a guy. Like my dad." He was tiny even when sitting to next to Ichabod. He didn't mind it. It kind of liked it. 

The tall goth laughed softly and shrugged "You see a lot of the teachers in this school are old people. Old people think that Marilyn Manson kills people and is friends with the devil. That makes them scared to even call him when I'm sick in school. That happened! I was puking my guts out in the boys bathroom in second grade and the teachers were too scared to call the guy because they thought he was going to be mad at them." 

"I remember that! God that was awful. You were paler than normal and looked like you were going to die" Awsten spoke up and laughed at his friend. 

Ichabod rolled his eyes "Well yeah I felt like it too"

Niall looked back at Ichabod "Well what happened? Did you go home at some point?"

"Yeah I did, but it took them awhile. What they did is that they waited for me to stop throwing up and then brought me down to the office to call my dad myself. He was freaked out when he picked up to here his son sound like he is dying on the other end. He came straight the school and walked in. He saw little me standing there all pale and dead looking and picked me up. When I told him I had been sick most of the school morning he flipped out on the teachers because they didn't call him earlier. After that he brought me home and I never went back to that school. I finished up the rest of elementary school online. I went back to public school in middle school." Ichabod  finished his story and sighed.

Niall frowned a bit "Did you miss your friends a lot?" 

Ichabod shook his head "Only friend I had at the time was Awsten and we got to see each other whenever we want, so I didn't miss him too much" He laughed.

"Oh he is lying he missed me on the off days. He wanted to be around me aaaall the timeeeee!" Awsten laughed

"Yeah because you were my only friend dumb dumb!" Ichabod said back to his green headed friend and laughed with him.

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