Hanging Out Part 2

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"It's really nice to be able to hang out with you today Philip." he said, "Me too America. We should do this more often." I said, he smiled much more wider than ever, "I would love that." he replied, thump, What's this?, thump, Why's my heart beating this loud again?, thump, It feels so uncomfortable but, thump, I looked at America, he's smiling so sweetly again, thump, I smiled back,thump, this feeling may be uncomfortable, thump, but I kinda like it, thump, I wonder why?


Philip's POV

I was already dressed up and eating breakfast in the dining room, today I'm about to visit America at his condo to hang out, "Do you have any plans for today Philip?" Dad asked, I nod "Yeah, America and I are gonna hang out at his condo today." I replied, Dad smiled, "I'm glad you guys are getting along well." Dad said, I smiled, "Me too Dad." I said, to those who are wondering, Russia, Guam and Affy are at the cafe, the two are working while Affy watch them and enjoy her time. As I finished my breakfast, I cleaned up the dishes and went to my room to feed Agila, after that I took one final look at my mirror, I'm wearing blue shirt with my red and black hoodie, partnered with black ripped jeans and maroon shoes, I took my car keys, wallet and my phone and went downstairs. "I'll be going now Dad." I said as I made my way to the garage, "Be safe." he replied, I smiled and replied "I will."

*TIMESKIP brought to you by Affy XD*

I'm already standing infront of America's doorsteps, I knocked at the door 3 times and said, "Tao po!", after a few minutes America opened up the door and smiled, "Hey Philip, Come on in." he said opening the door widely in order for me to get in, I smiled, "Thanks for inviting me America." I said, he smiled, "No prob Philip, by the way what did you mean by 'Ta-o po'?" he asked, I laughed a little, "Tao po, means if someone's at home, but also to say that you introduce yourself as a human not any Creature in a form of a human." I explained. He smiled and replied with a 'Ok!', as we enter his condo, I noticed that it was so spacious, organized and clean, "Where's Canada? Doesn't he live with you?" I asked, "Nah! Canada lives right next to me." he replied, 'Hmmm, ok.' I then heard a a noise, I turned around and saw an eagle making it's way to me, I readied my arm and so he landed into it, I smiled as I pet him, "I see you met Hawk." America said, I turned around and saw America holding a bowl of popcorn and sodas, I smiled, "Yeah, he looks cool btw." I said, he smiled, "Thanks, it's kinda rare for him to like someone so quickly too, looks like he really likes you." I smiled, the eagle then flew back upstairs, I turned to America and asked, "Do you need any help?", he nod and replied, "Could you get the bag of chips at the counter?", I nod and proceed to get the chips, then went to join America, "We're watching Marvel movies, you good with that?" he asked, I nod and showed a thumbs up.

*TIMESKIP AFTER THE MOVIE brought to you by Canada XD* 

"Excuse me for a bit, I'll just go hit the restroom." America said, I nod as he left. I tried to get my phone beside me, but I can't seem to find it, I tried looking for it, I still can't find it, I'm starting to get angry, "Anak ng nilintik na duwende! Nasaan and cellphone ko? Hoy mga duwende, ilabas nyo and cellphone ko." I kept shouting that I didn't notice America to enter the living room. "Uhmmm, Philip? You ok man?" America asked, I looked at America then I blushed, "Sorry about that America, I just can't find my phone, could you help me?" I said, still looking down, pretty embarrassed of what I just did, he laughed for a bit and replied, "Sure, wait a sec." he took out his phone and dialed my number, it rand for a few minutes, until I heard my phone's ringtone, I followed the noise and I found it behind the sofa, "How did that get in there?" America asked, I huffed, "Baka yung mga duwende and may gawa non." I replied in a low voice, which unfortunately America heard, "What does 'du-wen-de' means?" he asked, I picked up my phone and then we sat on the couch and then I explained on as to why I said that, America laughed and so did I. We cleaned up America's house, although he told me not to bother helping him, I still did, "Hey Philip, wanna roam around the neighborhood, after that we could also eat lunch outside." America said, :I smiled and nod, "Sounds like a plan America." I said, America smiled then he looked at the ground, like he has something on his mind,"What's wrong America?" I asked, he looked surprised, "It's noth-"
"Don't tell me it's nothing, cuz I can clearly see that there's something on your mind." I interrupted him in finishing his sentence. Once again he looked shocked, so he looked down blushing, I'm so confused, "Well, I just thought that calling me 'America' all the time is too long, so I thought that....maybe....uhmmmmmm. Oh God this is embarassing." he said, I looked at him confused, he looked at me still blushing, "I mean.....well.....you could just.......call me Ame.....or Rica for short." he said, as he kept his eyes glued to the ground blushing, I as well am now blushing, so that's what's been on his mind, I gulped and breathe, I walk towards him and hold his cheeks, so that he can look at me straight in the face, I smiled at him, and shock is still evident is his eyes, "Would calling you Ame be alright?" I asked, he blushed 5X times more, if that's even possible, but after a bit he smiled and replied, "I'm fine with that Philip." I let go of his cheek then hold his hand, "Let's go out and roam around." I said, he smiled as he took his keys in the nearby coffee table and we left, locking the door to his condo first of course, and then we left the building.

*ANOTHER TIMESKIP brought to you by me lol XD*

After Ame and I roam the neighborhood, we decided it's time to eat, we picked out this nearby restaurant right across the park that we just went to, we went in and looked for a table, once we settled in, a waitress approached our table and began taking our orders, I ordered a chicken fillet with rice and Iced tea, while Ame just ordered a Spaghetti and Iced tea, 'Is it his birthday today? I better ask him.' as the waitress went away, I looked at Ame and asked, "Hey Ame, is it your birthday today?" I asked, he looked at me and smiled, "No, it's not my birthday, why's you ask?" he replied, and so I explained on as to why I thought today was his bithday, that when you buy spaghetti, it mostly means that it's your birthday. After that, Ame started laughing and so did I, "You really have one heck of a tradition there Philip." he said, I laughed "Hahaha, guess so." I replied, after that the waitress came back with our food, and so we started eating, while at the same time talking about ourselves and some stuffs we have in common. After we ate, we decided to watch the sunset on the nearby park, it wasn't that crowded anymore since it's getting dark soon. A few minutes past, we're still on that bench, feeling the breeze and watching the sunset, none of us spoke, but it was a comfortable silence, I heard Ame sighed so I looked at him and he did so as well, "Hey Philip, I know this may seem sudden, but is there any chance that you may like someone?" he asked, he was blushing like a tomato, while he kept his gaze at mine, I was shocked, 'Do I like someone?', 'How would I know if I like someone?', he kept looking at me and so did I, I smiled and he was shocked, I turned my gaze at the sunset, while still smiling, "I can't really answer that right now Ame, since I haven't really like someone, hah, heck I don't even know what or how to tell if I like someone." I replied, he seemed shocked by my answer, "But what if you do know how and what if you do like someone? What would you do?" he asked, I was confused at his questions, but at the same time, I feel kinda.......relieved....happy and......glad, I don't even know myself why, I laughed a little, "If I do know, then I'd be happy of course and if I like someone, then of course I would tell them." I replied, still smiling as I continuously gaze  at the sunset, I heard him gulp, "But what if someone likes you? Would you give them a chance?" he asked, I was shocked, I took off my gaze at the sunset and looked at him, he was still blushing, I smiled at him and replied, "Then I'd be happy to know that someone likes me in that way and as long as we both agree to be true to each other, then I'd be willing to give it a try.", he was shocked by my answer, I saw him trying to keep his gaze at my eyes, he keeps playing with his fingers, 'What is it that's making him so nervous?', as I was about to speak he once again asked me another question, "What if I told you that I like you?................Would you give me a chance?................Would you give us both a chance to start a relationship?", I froze with shock. He likes me?!, how?, when?, why?, I have so many questions and thoughts inside my head, but there's one thing that stood out the most, 'Do I like him?', I can see him fidgeting, he's clearly nervous, I kept my gaze at him, and then I spoke, "Ame, I'm flattered that you feel thay way about me,.............but could you give me a bit of time to think it over, since I told you before, I don't really know if I really like someone, I'm not turning you down, if that's what your thinking. No! I'm not turning you down, all I ask is if you could give me more time to think it over and once I do, I'd be one to reach out to you first." I looked at him, he's face shows signs of shocked and redness all over, I smiled, a sweet smile as I took a hold of both of his hands, he was shocked, I kept my eyes on his, "Would it be alright for you to wait for my reply Ame?" I asked, I waited for his answer, until finally he showed me his sweetest smile and hold my hands like I do to his, "Yes Philip, I'd be willing to wait for your answer, as long as you permit me to court you while you think it over?" he replied, I was shocked, but nevertheless, I smiled at him and nod, "I'd be more than happy too." I said, he smiled so widely and then he closed his eyes and put his forehead on mine, "Thank you Philip." he said, thump, there it is again,thump, this loud beating of my heart,thump, am I doing the right thing?,thump, will I be able to answer him?,thump, but,thump, I feel like, I already have the answer,thump, but,thump, I still want to confirm it,thump, I don't wanna hurt him,thump, I hope I can get my resolve soon,thump I hope to be able to answer not only him,thump, but my self as well.

Hey Guys!

Here's another chapter, I'm getting excited for the next chapter myself, I just hope you all like this story I making. And also I'd like to thank  _xXSpringswirlXx_, for helping me in this chapter.

Please stay tuned for the next chapter, I hope to gain more readers, followers and possibly friends.

Once again Thank you all.

Peace Out. 

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