Staying for the Night Part 1

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Philip's POV

We're all watching the "The Guardians of the Galaxy" (Yeah I said it guys XDXD) Affy is sitting next to Guam and me, while I'm (obviously lol) sitting next to Ame, while holding hands and lastly Ada and Russia are sitting right after us, with some still evident blush on both of their cheeks.

*TIMESKIP after the Movie XDXD*

After the movie Ame helped me with the dishes, while Affy took the others with her on the living room, once we reached the ground floor we saw that it was raining so hard outside, "Woah, it's really pouring out there huh?" Guam said, I feel a bit anxious so I took out my phone and dialed Dad's number, it rand a few times but then he answered, 

*On Call with USSR*

Dad: Hey Philip, how are you all doing?

Philip: We're fine Dad, but it's raining hard outside today, where are you?

Dad: sigh Yeah kiddo, I'm actually with a friend of mine, he's name is Nazi, I'm at his house right now with a few more friends, and we're all might stay here for the night.

I sighed in relief

Philip: Alright Dad, call or text us if anything happens and when you're coming home alright.

I heard Dad chuckled

Dad: Will do Philip, you kids have fun alright

Philip: Will do Dad, you have some fun too, Bye

Dad: Bye Philip

And so the call ended, I looked at Russia and smiled, "Dad said he's staying over with some friends for the night." Russia smiled and nod, "Alright, thnx for calling him Philip, to be honest I was about to do the same thing." we both laughed at that, Affy took hold of Russia's hand and she made him hold Canada's hand, when the two of them blushed, Affy then took hold of Russia's other hand, while Guam held on to Affy's other hand, "Brother Phil, we'll all be on the living room ok." Affy said all the while smiling, Ame and I smiled and said 'Sure', when they went their way on the living room, Ame accompanied me towards the kitchen to wash the dishes, "Thnx for helping me out Ame." I said while still cleaning the dishes, Ame smiled, "It's nothing Mahal, I'm glad to help." he replied, I smiled more and we enjoyed the silence while still doing the dishes.

*TIMESKIP after the dishes XDXD*

Ame and I went towards the living room and saw the group chatting, we joined in and sat on the couch with Russia and Canada, (Yup XD) I looked outside the window and saw that it's still pouring out I then looked at Russia, "Hey Russia, do you have the remote?" Russia looked around and then gave me the remote, I turned on the TV and looked for the news, and when I did we all listened in

'Reporting to you Live on *****, we are now currently having a strong storm at ****, we advise that all of you to stay in your houses and wait for this storm to pass.'

"Damn, it's that strong?" Guam said, Affy then went towards Russia and hugged him, Russia was surprised and asked, "What's wrong Affy?" Affy looked at Russia and made those puppy dog eyes of hers and spoke, "Can Ame and Ada stay here for the night Big Bro Sia? It's said in the news, it'd be bad if they leave now." I looked at Russia and so did he, "Affy's got a point Russia. Why don't we let them stay here for the night?" I said, Russia thought it over, after a few seconds he sighed, "Fine, they can stay for the night." Russia said, Affy smiled brightly then tackled Russia for a hug, "Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" Affy continuously said, Russia smiled and hug her back and pat her head, "Your welcome Lil Affy." I stood up and so did Russia, "The both of us are gonna prepare a guest room for the two of you, just stay here and hang out with Affy and Guam." Russia said, the group all said yes and so Russia and I went our way towards the guest room, which is by the way it's just right next beside my room. While preparing the room, I could feel that something is bothering Russia, I stopped what I was doing and looked at Russia, he noticed my action and so he did the same as I do, "Why you'd stop Phil?" he asked, I looked straight into his eyes and took a breathe, "Is there something wrong Russia?" I asked, he looked shocked and he avoided my gaze, "I don't know what-", I cut him off on what he was about to say,  "Don't even finish that sentence Russia, please don't lie to me and tell me." he looked even more shocked but smiled nonetheless, "Alright Philip, you got me." he said, he looked at me and his smile was replaced by his poker yet serious face, "I need to know Philip, do you really love America?" he asked, I was surprised but sweetly smiled, "I do Russia." I replied with no doubt, no second thoughts, he looked at me a bit more but then smiled, he went near me and hugged me, "As long as you're happy, I'll respect your decision." he said, I smiled and stayed silent, he broke off out hug and looked at me, "It's not that I hate America alright, I just don't fully like him yet, but I'm getting there." he said, I hugged back and smiled more, "That's good enough for me." I could tell that his smiling and he hugged back, we stayed like that for a few seconds, and then we broke off the hug and smiled at each other, "Thnx Russia." I said, "No probs Phil." he replied, "I'm gonna go ahead to the living room ok." I said, he nod and replied, "Sure, I'll just do a double check of the room before I join you guys." I nod, and when I was on the door, I look back at Russia and grinned, "Also, why don't you and Canada be together, you guys look good together." I said, and once I did he blushed, he was about to throw a pillow at me and so I ran while all the while laughing.

Hey Guys!

Heyo! it's Zen and yes I'm -surprisingly- alive XD
Sorry I haven't post much, blame my parents, they always make me their slave XDXD
I won't promise to post more, cuz my parents made sure to have my whole vacation filled with something to do, I even sometimes think that, are they saidsts? XDXDXD but neh I still love them lol

See you guys in the nxt chaps to come.

I'm still thinking on what theme I should go with BillDip XD.
Hope you all understand and bare with me, Thank you all.

Peace Out.

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