24. A dream

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Tords POV

I open my eyes to see I was in the red armys hospital room?? "Where am I?" I ask as I look around to see my parents. They saluted me and proceeded to talk. "Tor- I mean Sir you awake!" Pat said out of relief.

"What happened?" I asked as I sat up. "Well after the incident with your friends... you almost died so we had to replace you hand with a robot arm you found... then you fell in a coma." Pual said with a worried look.

"How long was I in a coma?" I asked worried if its been a year or more. "Only a month so don't worry Sir" Pual said as he reassured me. I sighed in relief ok good I thought.

Time skip

"I can't believe it was all just a dream!" I yelled as I punched the walk in my office. I sighed deeply. I wanted it to be real. Tears flow down as I leaned on the door and slid down it. "Why can't it be real?" I asked myself.

Then a waterful of tears flowed down my face. "I can't go back... they will NEVER forgive me" i silently said to my self as I looked out the window.

Howdy everyone! So this is the end uh? Um to be honest I never every thought this book would be as popular as it I right now and I want to say something to all of you and ask you all something.

First do u guys want a squeal? I just wanna know

2nd sorry this took a while to post my family is lowering my self-esteem and i have becomeing depressed again and i started to have doubts about this book and I was think of deleting it but i couldn't do since 2k were reading and I felt bad I guess

Sorry if this was short

Anyways thank u




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