Need To Know Basis

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I spin the piece around in my hand slowly, looking at all its wires, all its curves. A timer is set at the front, the clock reading 00:00 in a clichéd bright red. I haven't set it yet.

Man, this could have been a MASTERPIECE!

But no, Tommo's orders are for a fake bomb.

Anyone with eyes would know immediately that, despite the lovely aesthetics, it can't detonate. There is no off switch. Every timed explosive made by a professional has an off switch. That way, if something were to go wrong, the bomb or plan wouldn't be entirely lost.

I thought it would be best to save materials, so I didn't include one.

However, for show, I had even smeared putty all around the timer, concealing the wires that lead to absolutely nowhere.

She could have been BEAUTIFUL.

Sighing, I set the fake bomb down on my work bench, deciding to turn in for the night.

Going around the offices, I give them each a once over before closing their doors.

I just have to double check that the lights are off and make sure I put the acetone peroxide back where it belongs-

I freeze, my hand on the switch for the room with the workbench.

The light itself is already off by the time I stop, which is the only reason I notice it. My bomb... the timer is flickering.

It can't possibly be. I hadn't touched it.

Had I?

Going closer, I feel my eyebrows knit as I see the number. Seventeen? Already halfway across the room, I decide that going back for the overhead lamp isn't worth it, so I slip the flashlight from one of my many pockets.

Clenching the metal handle between my teeth, I reach out and pick up the metal canister. My eyes see, but my brain doesn't believe.


There is no off switch, but there is also no putty around the timer, exposing all the connected wires. CONNECTED wires.


My goggles suddenly feel tight on my forehead.

This isn't my fake bomb. This isn't fake at all!

I have to get out.


My feet move first, stumbling through the room. The flashlight had dropped somewhere, leaving me in almost complete darkness. The angle of the light leaves the entire floor in shadows, essentially making it a mine field.


I have to get it outside, away from the other explosives. There is no way any of us will survive if this goes off in here. The blast radius will reach at least three buildings in every direction-


Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck!


I sprint blindly towards the front door.


Outside. Have to get outside.


Fresh air rushes around me, sweat beading on my hands.


The bomb. I have to lose the bomb!


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