I |partners|

9 1 0


|Nadine Ackerman|

I pulled my sleeve, to my sweat shirt, down and looked at the group of guys. The boys were all pretty and were all charismatic and charming. The four were with each other constantly. There was Isaias, Markis, Henric and lastly Acosta. Reiner was tall and lean and had light brown hair and green eyes. Reiner had the 'bad boy' title of CreekView High. Markis was blonde and a little shorter than the rest of the group; he was the jokester. Henric was the chill one that always smelled like weed. He had black hair with black eyes, he wasn't tall but he wasn't shorter than Markis. Lastly Acosta, he had black fluffy hair and beautiful blue eyes. He wore glasses and I guess he was the loner-slash-nerd of the group. I don't know how he even associated with them. He seemed sweet though.

The bell rung and the hallways began to crowd and I lost sight of the boys. Damn. I quickly pulled my backpack up and headed to my class.

History was too bad, except my partner. Hopefully since it's a new quarter that we switch seats. Asher Reed was the most annoying kid in there and he just so happened to be my partner.

The class was empty when I walked in. I quickly found my way to the back of the class were my seat was and waited on my phone. I plugged in my earbuds and listened to music until everyone shuffled in.

"So class today we will be getting new seat which means new partners!" My teacher explained enthusiastically. The class cheered and anxiously awaited to know their new partners.

"Farrah M. and Dylan N."

"Weston and Reece"

"Maddy and Killion.."

"Nadine and Acosta," my head shot to the boy. He had one earbud in and his eyes were searching the room. Our eyes met and we both smiled. Our seat was in the far right middle of the class.

"Hey," I said as I sat down. He gave me a small small and focused on the other groups.

"So class, since you have new partners, you will be filling out a packet." The class stayed neutral as she handed the thick packets out. "It's like an all about me but it's all about your partner."

Once she finished the class broke into noise. Everyone talking and getting to know each other and such. I did a once over on the packet and it looked pretty basic.

"So you wanna start?" I heard him say. I nodded before looking back at the pack. What's their favorite color? These questions are really exciting.

"Uh favorite color?" He had laid his head on his outstretched arm.

"Probably...Green," I nodded then he asked me the same. "Red or orange," I replied.

The class went on and we got through the first pages of the almost 10 pages. How many fucking questions can you ask someone?


It's second period and I currently wanted to just go home. It's only the first day back from Spring break and I already want it to be summer.

    "Miss Ackerman?" I heard the teacher ask. My head bopped up and stared at the teacher.

    "Yes, Ms. Wilson?" I asked, politely.

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