Chapter 03

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You sunk down further into the water of the tub, letting yourself close your eyes and sigh through your nose. The water came up past your mouth, stopping just under your nostrils as you dipped lower, your knees pressed together above the surface of the warm water. You told yourself you deserved a bath after the taxing day you'd had.

"You okay in there?" your mom's voice called out from the other side of the door. You blinked your eyes back open and raised your face from the water.

"Yeah," you replied. "I'm fine. I'll be done soon."

"Alright, just checking," she said. "I'll be downstairs if you need anything." You hummed an affirmative that you'd heard her and stretched your limbs out in the water. Staring at the water did nothing to ease your mind, but at least you felt more relaxed and you body wasn't wound up anymore.

You were just about to lean forward and turn the drain to let the water out when the door opened, movement catching your attention from the corner of your eye.

You looked up, ready to whine to your mother about just barging in on you, when your breath caught in your throat.

Jungkook stood by the door, eyes locked on yours as he silently shut it behind him.

Your mouth opened into a scream, arms coming up to cover your chest from his view. You blinked and he was right against the edge of the tub, leaning on his knee while his hand clamped shut on your mouth, muffling the scream that tore its way out of your throat. You struggled against him, too afraid to move your arms away.

The tingling was less of a shock than it was the times before, but still enough to draw your attention to it. They started where his fingers were digging into your cheeks, shooting down to the rest of your body. Unable to help it, heat pooled between your thighs at the sensations, hues of pink dancing in your vision as you swallowed roughly, the water splashing at your bare body.

Seeming to realize you weren't going to scream anymore, Jungkook tore his hand away from you, clutching the edge of the tub with it instead. You stayed in place, your back pressed against the cold bathtub to keep yourself as far away as you could.

"What are you doing here?" you hissed, keeping your voice low.

Jungkook clenched his jaw and you noticed his eyes never strayed from yours—almost like he was holding himself back from letting them wander, as they seemed too focused. Your cheeks felt hot and you dipped lower, making sure the bits you didn't want on full display were under the water—and kept your arms firmly in place covering them.

"You know," he said simply.

You furrowed your brows, clenching your teeth together. "I know what?" Even as you said it, you realized he'd never fall for it, and you held back from biting your bottom lip. It was the only logical explanation after what you'd witnessed when you visited Sunhui's house.

"Don't play dumb," he snarled. "You fucking know, don't you?"

You sighed and nodded your head. "Yes."

He dropped his head, eyes squeezing shut. His mouth was twisted down and you swallowed, wondering why he looked so anguished at the knowledge.

Jungkook swore. "Get dressed and come to your room. I need to explain everything to you."

You narrowed your eyes. "What the hell is there to explain?" you countered as he stood up, turning his back to you. "Isn't it enough to know that vampires are real and that you and your sister are ones? What the hell else is there?"

He turned back slightly, eyes dark. "A lot more."

He was gone quicker than you could see, the door left slightly ajar. You grumbled as you went about draining the water and standing, grabbing a towel and wrapping it around yourself. You cursed yourself for not bringing clothes along with you, but you hadn't been expecting any company.

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