Chapter 04

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Eyes opening wide, you sat up quickly in bed to the sound of your blaring alarm. You didn't remember falling asleep, but you must have with thoughts of a certain someone running in your mind. Reaching over, you swiped the screen of your phone to shut your alarm off and got out of bed to start getting ready, lips already downturned in a frown.

The ride to class was silent except for the soft music coming from the speakers of the car, your phone dropped on the passenger seat. The air was chilly when you finally got to campus, parking your car as close as you could manage to the building and getting out. You leant back down to grab your backpack and then straightened, slinging it over your shoulders and shutting your car door. You turned around and nearly screamed, flinching so hard you could feel your heart trying to escape from your chest.

"Whoa, relax!" Jimin shouted, arms coming up to grab your shoulders. You blinked a few times and took in a few gulps of air, pressing a hand to your chest.

"Why do you always do this?!" you shouted, whining.

Jimin released your arms and chuckled, stepping away from you and gesturing for you to walk beside him. The two of you made your way across the parking lot toward the entrance of the building. "I don't mean to scare you!" he laughed, shoving his hands in his jacket pockets. "You've just been really jumpy lately." He pursed his lips and narrowed his eyes at your guilty look. "You alright?"

"Yeah, I've just had a lot on my mind recently, I guess," you mumbled, wanting to change the topic. Jimin started to chat about one of the professors, making you giggle a few times, but then you looked away from him and saw a very familiar figure by the side of the building. You furrowed your brows and tapped Jimin's arm. "You go ahead, I, uh, I have to talk to someone." You didn't wait for his response as you took off to the side, making your way to the girl you could see loitering. Her dark eyes were trained on you as you walked over.

"I've been waiting for you forever!" she whined when you got close enough, smiling widely at you. You could see her teeth clearly, but there was no sign of elongated fangs, no outward signs of her being a vampire besides her immense beauty.

"How did you know I go here?" you asked her, confused when she moved in for a hug. You patted her back once, awkwardly, and then she let go of you and pulled back.

"My brother told me," she said simply. "I didn't know you knew Jungkook."

"Well, Joy, we're not exactly friends, you know?" you countered, heat warming your cheeks. You didn't know why, but just the mere thought of him made your blood warm in your veins.

She hummed and pressed her lips together tightly before smiling again. "How did you even get close enough to him for him to remember details about you?" she wondered, eyes big and wide and focused solely on you. "I've never known Jungkook to want to associate with humans unless it was to feed."

You shrugged. "Beats me. I've only spoken to him a few times." You hoped against everything you knew about vampires that she couldn't hear how your heart skipped a beat, that she wouldn't notice your eyes darting away from hers nervously.

Joy watched you suspiciously, the smile still in place on her face. "I just came to apologize for yesterday. I didn't mean to scare you or to get you roped up in all of this."

You sighed and sent her a half-hearted smile. "It's fine. I mean, I'm pretty sure I was already roped into your world before you even did that. Plus you saved my life, so I owe you one."

She waved her hand. "No, you don't owe me anything—except, maybe, being my friend." She giggled and you nodded your head, finally letting a genuine smile pull at your lips. "What do you mean, though, you were already roped into our world?" she asked.

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