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I quickly grab my laptop then plugging in my camera.

I click on a video of me and my Bandmates covering I Miss You by Blink 182.

It takes a while to edit but I quickly finish and upload it to the Bands Youtube Channel.




"Ella!" I hear faintly in the background of my music blaring in my ears.

I pause the music quickly yelling back a yes before my two friends Emma and Taylor burst into my room.

"Hurry up! The gig is in an hour!" Emma squeals squeezing her brown eyes shut before jumping up and down.

"Yeah! Get dressed and grab your guitar then come into the lounge!" Taylor smiles before dragging Emma out of the room.

I jump up and run to the bathroom to take a shower.


I get out and quickly change into a light blue snapback, black jeans a grey tee with a flannel tied around my waist and white high top converse.

I comb my light brown/almost blonde hair, I have an "asymmetrical" cut meaning I have half my head shaved with one side long reaching just above my chin.

I grab my guitar and put it in its case snatching my lucky purple pick from my dresser and running out into the lounge.

I see Emma holding her guitar, she was wearing a light blue tank with grey shorts a black beanie and dark purple vans.

Her brown hair came down to just below her shoulders and as usual it was straight down and she had pastel blue tips which were now fading.

Taylor was beside her carrying her bass, she had on a purple tee with white stripes, light grey jeans and light blue converse. Her hair was in a ponytail like usual.

Kenzie my other bandmate was holding her drumsticks. Her bright orange locks were slightly curled and were dip dyed purple. She wore a grey long sleeve and light blue shorts with black Keds.

As you might be able to tell we stuck with a light blue theme.

"Ready?" Kenzie asked grabbing her car keys.

We all nodded walking out the door into Kenzie's black truck.




We got to the venue and walked through the back door greeted by the owner who was directing us to the stage.

We quickly tuned up as Kenzie adjusted the drums to her liking.


I hopped up to the mic.

"Hey guys! We are Paradise City and we are going to playing a few covers and originals tonight! I'm Ella and we've got Taylor on Bass, Emma on the Guitar and Kenzie back there on the drums." I smiled into the mic.

We got a round of applause and some woos.

"This first song is called In too Deep by Sum 41. We hope you guys like it" Emma shouts.




"The faster we're falling we're stopping and stalling we're running in circles again

Just as things were looking up you said it wasn't good enough, but still we're trying one more time.

Maybe we're just trying to hard, when really it closer than it is too far"

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