The huntress

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A few hours later Deacon came across a sign that had a message spray-painted on it "this way to prosperity" with an arrow pointing to a turn off the highway "well what do we have here"Deacon said suddenly he felt a sharp pain in his side he felt his side and his hand was covered in blood and he was starting to feel ill . "I'm running out of time I need to find some help and fast before I bleed out, "Deacon said just he heard the cries of help coming from further up the road Deacon wanted to help but he was hesitant it could be a trap after all he could no longer be sure of anything anymore after taking a minute to think it over his conscience got the better of him "oh hell"Deacon said as he ran towards the cries for help when he got to where he had heard the noises Deacon could see four men in leather armour and masks with guns dragging a woman into a massive modified truck as she kicked and screamed for help "hey ease up little thing we just want to take you home" one of the men harassing her said "No let me go!! You bastards you won't take me back" the woman screamed.

Deacon took cover behind a burnt out car to survey the situation without being noticed if he didn't do something they would take that woman and do god knows what to her there were four guys one was sitting in the truck two were trying to pull the woman in the truck one was closer to Deacon searching the other cars on the highway for anything useful Deacon only had three bullets and the shard of glass from before, thoughts of doubt started to creep into Deacon's mind, this could be a trap to catch Good people off guard Deacon felt a strange sensation hit him like a thick fog covering his mind Deacon peaked from his hiding place and looked at the leader whatever this feeling was for somehow he was causing it. Deacon pulled himself together silenced his doubts the woman was clearly in danger and, he couldn't just sit by and do nothing now, Deacon moved quietly closer to the 1st raider and tried to grab him but Deacon stepped on some broken glass accidentally making a noise that alerted The raider who turned his head to investigate the noise Deacon quickly hid behind a nearby car just narrowly avoiding his eyesight " hey Oscar, I heard something" the raider shouted to his boss "then go see what it was you idiot"Oscar said the Raider was just in front of the car Deacon was hiding behind he pulled out the glass shard in his pocket and readied himself to attack just as the Raider walked around Deacon stabbed him in his foot he screamed in pain Deacon grabbed the man covering his mouth to keep him quiet and pulled him down behind the car out of sight but the noise he made alerted the two others trying to get the woman in the truck they dropped her and ran towards the source of the noise with their weapons raised "Jerome are you ok?" one of the other raiders said .

The man Deacon had in his grip kept struggling for freedom Deacon put his makeshift blade to his throat "your going to say that everything is fine and that he fell over got it"Deacon said quietly the man nodded and Deacon picked up his gun "everything alright" Jerome said "Are you sure?"the two others said "listen Abel,Bruce, I'm ok just don't come around here"Jerome said getting up with Deacon still holding the blade to his back"Abel didn't buy Jerome's act for a minute and pointed his weapon at Jerome "ok whoever you are show yourself right now" Abel said holding up his gun "what's wrong with you both I'm good"Jerome said "drop the act Jerome we know there's someone there" Bruce said Deacon emerged from his hiding spot and took Jerome as a human shield pointing his weapon at Abel and Bruce. "Who the hell are you?!"Abel said "doesn't matter just let the girl go and no one has to die here today"Deacon said "well Mr. doesn't matter clearly you live on a planet where you just ask and people do what you say seems like a place that I would want to visit if I'm honest but for the time being how about hell no she is our property our family and if you want to be left alive you will let Jerome go and walk away now I won't tell you a second time"Abel said. "well don't say I didn't warn you" Deacon said the fog from his mind cleared his eyes turned orange and Deacon threw Jerome into Abel and Bruce confusing Abel long enough for Deacon to shoot him in the chest twice dropping him.   Deacon turned to shoot Bruce But he was too fast he hit Deacon in the face with his gun hard knocking him to the floor an enraged Bruce held Deacon at gunpoint seconds from pulling the trigger a bullet rang out from the trees and hit Bruce right in the forehead killing him "Noo!!"Jerome said dropping to his knees in shock "Oscar!!!"Jerome said, "kill these bastards!!"Jerome shouted "sorry kid but a family member that can't move is useless, "Oscar said coldly Oscar held up his gun and shot out one of Jerome's eyes Jerome screamed in pain before dropping to the floor "well I supposed it's time I got going

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