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Kate awakened shackled to the headboard of a bed in a room no one else was nearby she was still weak from the beating that Oscar had given her but she knew immediately she had to get out of here no matter the cost she couldn't be here not after the things Oscar had done to her and so many others Kate tugged at her shackles trying to free herself but they would not budge she hadn't been in this room since for years ever since she escaped 3 years ago. It had not changed and neither had Oscar on a table in front of her was the same weapons and torture devices that Oscar used to test on her and anyone who so much as gave the impression that they didn't agree with how he ran things while she didn't regret walking away for a second she'd hoped her leaving would bring back the man she knew when the Havoc's first appeared a man she respected and cared about deeply but she was beginning to understand that he was gone forever. Strangely Kate found herself thinking about Deacon wondering if he was okay, on one side she was pissed at him for knocking her out back at her camp but on the other hand she couldn't say she wouldn't have done the same if he was about to kill possibly the only person left alive that knew who had the answers to her past no... if their roles were reversed she would have killed to get those answers and as hard as she tried she couldn't blame Deacon for doing it.

Oscar walked into the room with some food on a plate and tray placed them in front of Kate on the bed "I thought you might be hungry call it a peace offering"Oscar said Kate stared at him with daggers in her eyes maintaining her silence. "Really that's how you are going to play this glaring at me not saying a word"Oscar said "you and father always did think you were better than me sis hell dad always thought he was better than everyone I didn't see you disagreeing when I killed him"Oscar said "you know I have nothing to say to you, Oscar and I know nothing I can say will change you so why bother and don't call me sis we share blood but we are not family"Kate said "everyone told me this wouldn't work but I hoped that just one piece of my sister was still in there somewhere I do what has to be done you have seen what the Havoc's can do sometimes we have to become monsters to fight monsters"Oscar said "that doesn't mean killing anyone who disagrees with you and picking on the weak"Kate said "this world is different now i fell as if I am the only one who sees that sometimes what the hell happened to you when you ran this place alongside me you were the most fierce woman in the place none of these people would have messed with you they still talk about you here and there and even though they try not to show it Haven are overjoyed to have you back, after all, this time"Oscar said.

   "They are your people, not mine they are a group of kidnappers and murderers I am not one of you," Kate said Oscar grabbed Kate by the throat and pulled her close "you damn well were! and you enjoyed every second of it like everyone else here, you cannot lie to me I know who you are"Oscar said his grip was so tight around her throat Kate was losing consciousness Oscar slammed her back down on the bed "I wanted to do this together! but I don't need you I don't need anyone else I've built a kingdom out of the ashes people are safe and warm here can't you see how good that is we finally have something like what we had before why wouldn't you want to be apart of it "Oscar said.  "Is it worth it if everyone is afraid of you and you kill other people who are just trying to get by"Kate said "if they fear me they can't come and attack what I've built in a world with no law we have to be the thing to fear if we want to stay alive as for the innocent ones if they don't join us they die it is a mercy" Oscar said.  Oscar sat at the foot of the bed and put his hands together "I wonder about that friend of your's Deacon, was it? and how much he knows about what he walked into on that highway or how much he knows about the real you"Oscar said  "I saw how determined he was to keep you safe earlier I wonder how he would feel if he knew how many innocent communities you infiltrated for us and lead to their deaths" Oscar said.

 Kate grabbed Oscar by his shirt with fear in her eyes "you cannot tell him about that you swore you wouldn't tell anyone about that!"Kate said " touch a nerve did I just remember I what I know about you the next time you want to preach to me about right and wrong Kate," Oscar said pushing her off him "now if you will excuse me I've got some business to attend to I'll deal with you later Oscar said "what are you going to do to me" Kate said  " where I'm going to send you It will make sure you won't be able to run away again" Oscar said Kate's eyes widened as she knew exactly what Oscar intended to do "no not there anywhere but there" " you brought this on yourself, Kate, "Oscar said coldly "if you send me there you are no better than father" Kate said Oscar flew into a rage slapping Kate in the face hard "DON'T YOU EVER COMPARE ME TO THAT MONSTER EVER AGAIN DO YOU HEAR ME!!"Oscar said "I'll send some men for you in a minute I suggest you get something to eat it's going to be a long ride.

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