A much needed conversation

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I know I posted two chapters in one night but I couldn't help myself, I wrote them and just had to post it! I hope y'all are enjoying this so far and I promise it will hopefully get better, my personal life may get busy soon so it may be harder for me to post but I'll still try to do one a day.
The old man sighed and sat down at one of the chairs. He motioned for everyone to join him.

"You're a griffin blood I think. And I bloody strong one too from what I've seen. Most of us can barely run fast, yet you can grow your wings and fly with them. I bet there's even more you can do too" He said with a cheeky smile. "You, me and Alice are griffin bloods, Alice can run rather fast, and has very good vision, of course you saw my running skills but I also have the ability to pull out talons from my fingers when in a fight. Rabbit is a werewolf, he can change whenever he would like, but sometimes he can't control it when he gets too mad. And Noah is a wizard. He's a pretty strong one at that. He only really does simple spells and uses them to do most the chores, and a few protective spells. He could use whatever magic he'd like, but he doesn't like using it for everything, he likes to think he is more than just his magic, which is what we all think of ourselves."

I nodded, but inside I still felt a little confused. A griffin blood? What the hell is that? I thought.

"When you say griffin blood, what do you mean?"

"Well" Alice replied "we have quite literally griffin blood running through our veins, and we have griffin DNA. It depends on how strong your connection is to them, that changes your abilities. I was born farther off the track than you or Mathew, but I still have the basics. Basically we are related to griffins the ancient creatures, and are able to communicate with them and gain some of their power."

It started to make sense now. So I turned to Benjamin "and you're a werewolf?" I asked, which he replied to with a nod. "So that means you turn into a wolf...? And that you like... have wolf traits and stuff?"

"Yes, mostly. I can turn when I like, but it's very exhausting, so I don't do it much. If I get very angry of course, or I'm threatened I can turn without my control. But i have wolf traits when in human form yes, like I'm rather protective and I can tend to growl I or one of these guys are threatened, I also have a sharpened sense of smell and sight. I can fight pretty good as well" he finished with a smile.

I nodded and turned to Noah "and you have magic? So you can do household magic but also... more?"

"Yes" he replied with a shy smile. "I don't like using it all the time, because it's pretty obvious when you do, and can be hard to explain to normal people. But I use it for things on the ship, and use it to protect us when we get into fights. I could do a lot more, but I like to get by without it."

Now I felt like it made more sense. But I felt more tired than I had ever been, and felt myself slowly getting sleepier. I let out a yawn and forced my eyes to stay open.

I heard Benjamin chuckle beside me, and he slowly said "I think sleepy head should take a nap. How about you go to your room, have a nap and I'll come wake you up when dinners ready? Tomorrow we'll go get some of your stuff and allow you to speak to your family."

I nodded and slowly walked back to my room, and as soon as I reached the bed I crashed into a deep sleep.

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