The stomach flips

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I felt my stomach do a flip when I saw rabbit blushing and smiling, but I brushed it off and ignored it. 'No, you're not allowed to go through this now' I thought to myself.

"Alright well, we best be heading down to the engines Aquila, the rest of you get back to your jobs and rabbit, I take it you'll be joining us..?" Mathew asked, to which we all nodded, and rabbit replied with a quiet yes.

Once I helped Noah move the dishes off the table, I headed down to the engines. Upon reaching there, I realised how warm it was, and started to take off my jacket.

"Ah, you're finally here!" Mathew chuckled

"Sorry, I felt like helping Noah a bit" I said with a blush.

"No harm done, look today it's just a bit of cleaning and maintenance, if you see any problems just shout out and we'll figure it out"

I nodded, and headed towards the closest things that needed cleaning.
After a few hours of work, I lost track of time and completely forgot any one else was in the room, so I simply slipped off my next layer of clothing, and ended up in my undershirt.

"Blimey lass, you must be sweltering in here then" popped a voice, and I felt heat rush to my cheeks.

"Sorry, I forget you guys where here"

"Don't worry bout it" rabbit muttered. "If I'd gotten the memo it's not a problem for you, I would've done it myself already"

I nodded, and looked over, unfortunately catching Benjamin pulling off his shirt, and saw a line of skin as he pulled his shirt over his head, noticing a scar was wrapped around his stomach, and blushed even more, realising I was gaping at him.

Just before he sent me a fleeting glance I snapped my attention back to my work, pretending to be busy. I heard him mutter and chuckle a little, which made me worried he caught me.

A bell ring out, and I thought it was some sort of alarm at first, so I looked at Benjamin worriedly, but he just looked back and laughed.

"Don't worry, it's only the food bell, your not in trouble yet"

I nodded and started walking towards the door to leave, when I felt Benjamin grab my arm.

"You might wanna put on a shirt before going up there lass"

"Oh- shit sorry" I muttered, and he responded with a chuckle.

Eventually, once I was dressed, I headed up towards the kitchen, still thinking about the scar on rabbits stomach. 'Maybe it's something to do with a werewolf? Or maybe it's to do with we're he's from?' I thought. I came to the decision that I'll ask him once we get to know each other better.

The thought of getting close to rabbit made me blush and put a smile on my face, which I quickly dropped when I saw Alice laying on the table, writhing in what seemed like pain, covered in sweat, while Mathew tried to calm her and Noah was preparing some
medicine while also catering some spells.

"What going on?" I asked concerned

"Don't worry hun, she's only got into a little trouble. Spent too long up there she has, and her griffin bloods not happy with it. She's just having some problems because of it" Mathew reassured me. "Look, uh- head back to your room, or go to rabbits and hang with him, we can handle this, well being you the food later" which he ended with a look, making me feel it's an order rather then a suggestion. I nodded and quickly walked down the corridor towards our rooms.

I walked towards rabbits room, and knocked. When I heard a stifled who is it, I replied with my name. I heard sniffs and he grumbled something about going away.

I gulped, and realised he must be crying. I weighed my options, go in there and see what's wrong, or leave him to have some space. I decided the first may be the better option, considering he stayed with me the entire three days I was knocked out.
I slowly opened the door and closed it behind me, to see him laying in his undershirt, and some pants in his bed, curled up into a ball. He was shacking, and I could hear his sniffles. I walked over, and he growled, to which I started stepping back.

"Wait no im sorry, I didn't mean it growl, I'm sorry" he muttered, and looked up to me with red puffy eyes and a tear streaked face. "I promise I won't hurt you" he said, then buried his face back into his pillow.

I nodded, and walked over slowly again. This time he didn't growl, and I took it as a good sign, so I placed a hand on his back and felt him flinch slightly, but then start to relax under my touch. I heard his breathing slow and he seemed to calm down.

"What's wrong?" I whispered "Is it about Alice? Or is it something else?"

He shook his head, muttered something about a nightmare.

"A nightmare? Do you wanna talk about it?

He simply shrugged his shoulders, and sat up a little, with his knees to his chest.

"I saw what happened to Alice in my dream, and I should've gone to see her and get her back to the warmth earlier. It's my fault she's hurt now"

I nodded, not completely understanding, but placed an arm around him and sat next to him on the bed. He leaned against me and said sorry, to which I smiled and said it's not a problem.

Eventually he seemed to fall asleep, and my mind raced with questions, but they were interrupted when I realised that I was in his room while he was barely dressed, and I wasn't dressed very well either. I figured I should go, but his whole body weight was on me now, so I didn't want to wake him. I felt myself slip away into sleep, and eventually gave in
Okay guys, I'm so sorry I've been useless at posting in time these past few days, but I'm moving currently, and I will try in getting longer chapters out, instead of posting short once once a day, so maybe expect a longer one every three days! I hope that's okay, and I love y'all heaps, anyway have a good day!

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