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"Back so soon?" Thanatos said, waving his hand to release her from the chains. Bronwen dropped to the misty floor heavily.

"Is he..."

"Not yet," Thanatos answered her question. "But he will be when they find him with the body of Lady Bronwen, bathed in the blood of white men."

"Send me back, quickly." Thanatos raised an eyebrow at her demand. "Please Thanatos, there is little time."

"And I have little patience for bringing you back to the living. You have had more than enough of my help."

Bronwen looked at him incredulously, rubbing at her painful wrists he made no move to ease.

"But our bargain..." she tried, but Thanatos held up his hand to stop her argument.

"My gift did not say I will continue to send you back should you die from stupidity or carelessness. I have known you for a good few months now, my Lady, and so far, you have been attacked by a tailor, groped by a piano teacher, attacked by men in a forest, murdered by your so-called bodyguard, gotten caught up in a brawl, been beaten by your loving fiancé, fallen from a castle ruin and now you have been killed by a gang of thugs. You take my power to bring you back for granted. You take me for granted with little knowledge of the cost." He stalked away from her and she followed at his heels. "If you cannot return yourself, then it will just give me more time in your company."

"A company I shall make unpleasant if you do not let me save Azu!"

Thanatos turned back to Bronwen as the darkness melted and they were in the warm red and blue corridor of his residence.

"So, the viper has a bite, does she?" Bronwen took a step back from the devilish glint in his eyes. "I have asked very little from you in return for my help. So, how far are you willing to go to save your friend?"

Thanatos moved towards Bronwen, his body steering her so he pressed her against the wall. He reached out and placed a hand on her waist, the other beside her head as it rested against the wall.

"Not that..," she said, her voice small again.

"Then you do not care enough," Thanatos whispered.

Bronwen was in turmoil. It was only her virginity. Was that such a high price to pay? Not for the life of a friend it wasn't.

"Will you save him then? Will you keep your word?" Bronwen said, turning her head so her neck was exposed to him. She felt his breath on her skin and felt him run a finger across her shoulder and down towards her breasts. She shivered.

"I told you, I will have you willingly, not begrudgingly." Thanatos pushed away from Bronwen and stalked up the corridor. "Your body is not all I want from you."

Bronwen put her face in her hands a moment, trying to control the tumult of her body. But, she wasn't done trying yet and followed him down the flame-lit tunnels of his house.

"What then? I have no more to give you." Before Bronwen had a chance to beg anymore, Thanatos turned on his heel to face her again.

"One month of the year you can have for yourself. The other eleven are mine to spend with you. Our bargain stands, but it is now to win your one month of freedom. Or all twelve become mine."

"Eleven months is too long," Bronwen despaired. There was no point in the deal if most of it would have to be spent with him anyway. "Two months I will spend with you."

"Two months is too little," Thanatos countered. He stalked through a set of large and decorative double doors, opening both wide without touching them.

Dead Tempted - BOOK 1 - Pomegranate SeedsWhere stories live. Discover now