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Bronwen did not have to wait for long to find out if Lord Guild planned to confront her about kissing the false prince. She had spent the rest of the dinner party distracted, thinking about what might happen. Luckily, the women didn't appear to notice and she was grateful when they all left, despite her father's offer at having them stay. She thought Thanatos would jump at the opportunity, but he declined, saying he had a room booked in the city.

Bronwen bid her father and a cold Lord Guild goodnight and retired to bed, changing out of her dress and into more comfortable night clothes. Once she thought everyone was asleep, she headed to the library, planning on reading for pleasure to take her mind off of how her body had reacted to Thanatos's kiss. It had not been this way when Lord Guild had kissed her, or anyone else in her short experience.

Was it because he was a demon? Or because she found him undeniably attractive? Though she hated finally admitting it to herself.

Bronwen closed the library door silently and jumped when she noticed a hand protruding from the large armchair opposite the fire, a glass of dark brandy gripped tightly in its fingers. The high back of the chair was facing her, so she could not immediately see who it was.

Bronwen considered leaving before she was noticed, but the figure spoke first.

"So, it appears your virginity is not exclusive," Lord Guild said from the chair. He had not turned around but he somehow knew it was Bronwen.

"Excuse me?" Bronwen said, affronted by his tone, but her voice was not as strong as she had hoped.

Kole peered around the chair at her, the fire behind his head made his face dark in shadow.

"I saw you kiss Thomas Nasta," He accused. "So, how did he compare, my Lady?"

"Compare to what?" Bronwen crossed her arms, finding the tone she wanted. She may have been the one in the wrong, but he did not have to be so harsh and brazen.

"To me, of course," Kole said, getting up from his chair in one movement, his brandy swirling in his glass. "Or am I so forgettable?"

Bronwen sighed. "Lord Guild, please, I did not mean for it to happen. I have not encouraged his affections."

"But you have not been rejecting them either."

"There is no need to be jealous."

"Jealous!" Kole growled and slammed his glass down on the table. He stalked closer to her and Bronwen tried not to cringe. "I am not jealous; I am indignant at someone touching my property without permission!"

"Your property?" Bronwen found herself getting angry. "I do not belong to any man."

"Not yet, but I have made my claim on you and you will respect that."

"I have a right to change my mind," Bronwen argued bravely, despite the darkening look in his eyes but she could feel her blood boiling.

"You will marry me because you love me, Bronwen."

"What makes you think I love you?" Bronwen couldn't stop herself and resisted the urge to hold a hand to her mouth. It was too late - the words were already said.

Instead of yelling, as she had expected, Kole turned on her with a swiping blow that did not fail to hit its target.

Bronwen's voice caught in her throat from the shock and pain of his hand across her face. Before she had time to register the sting, his hands grabbed her upper arms; his fingers digging into her flesh.

"You're lying!" Lord Guild hissed as he shook her.

"Let go!" Bronwen squealed. He was strong and she had become scared and the sting of her face made her eyes water.

Dead Tempted - BOOK 1 - Pomegranate SeedsWhere stories live. Discover now