24th March, 2019
how's your neck?'
'Better after acupuncture,
and your massage.'
'I told you to
stay away from
playing games too,
did you listen to me?'
'I have to practise,
Hyeran ah!
Did you watch
the broadcast?
I didn't eat chicken
last week as well!
What nonsense is that?'
'That is not an
excuse for you
to keep playing
computer games,
'I know I know,
I'm getting better,
'By the way,
are YOU alright?'
'What do you mean?'
'You posted on IG
yesterday didn't you?
Saying that there's
nothing you want
to say. Is something
'Hyeran ah,
can you come over
to my place tonight?'
'What for?'
'I miss you.'
'You're really
these days, Oppa.'
'Isn't it normal
for friends to
want to see
each other?'
'What do you
want to eat,
I'll buy it for you.'
pork belly?'
'Didn't we have
that last week?'
'I love it,
Hyeran ah~
'How about
beef ribs?
Let's have that
this week instead
of pork.'
that's not bad
'Will Kyungsoo Oppa
be there?
I need to know
the portion I
need to buy.'
'Just buy a lot,
we can keep it
in the freezer if
we can't finish it all
– don't worry,
I'll pay.'
'Like you
always do.'
'Hyeran ah.'
'If I'm going to
film a reality show...
would you mind
appearing in it?
Like, you know,
Minseok hyung invited
his old friends too,
I was wondering
if you would
'I'd love to Oppa,
but you know
it's not good
for me to appear
in your show.
Think about how
your fans would react!'
it's a no?'
'A big no.'
'You can't even
pretend to agree...'
I get it.'
'I'll try to persuade
you tonight when
you come over.'
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