17th October, 2019

286 42 3

17th October, 2019


'Don't reply.'

'I'm just here to

 check to see if 

you're alright.'

'Not sure I can 

do much for 

you anyway...'

'But I'll be here,

 if you ever need 

anyone to talk to.'

'Just want to say.'

'You are special.'

'You are talented.'

'You are caring...

the list can go

 on really.'

'I guess what I'm 

trying to do here

 is that, I hope 

you won't keep 

everything to yourself.'

'Let your emotions

 out, when you

 need to.'

'I'll stay beside you.'

'For as long as I can.'


May our peach angel Sulli rest in peace.

May our world become better through saying no to cyber-bullying.

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