1st January, 2020
'You home yet Hyeran?'
'Just. Why?'
'I miss you.'
'What did I say, Oppa?
I can come find
you tomorrow,
I asked you to rest
today, remember?
You guys drank till
4am this morning!'
'What are you going
to do now?'
'I'm gonna hit
the shower now.'
'Sure! Go ahead!
Just whatever you do,
don't open your closet.'
'My what?'
'Don't open your closet!'
'Oppa, don't tell me.'
Stop right where you are!
Don't open the closet!
'Hyeran ah...
how long am I
supposed to stay
in your closet?'
you're the one
who got yourself
in to this situation!
Who told you to
sneak into my place
and hide in my
closet without letting
my parents know?'
'I...I wanted to
surprise you and
I know your parents
are no good with
'Oh heck...
now the thing is,
I need my pyjamas.'
'Why are you telling
me that?'
'Because my pyjamas
is in the closet,
and you're probably
sitting on it.'
'Don't tell me