*Sarah's point of view*
"Wha-?" I said, confused on so many levels. Why would he break up with me? Did I do something wrong? And why did he say I would be safe if I wasn't with him? I was so full of tears and questions that I too, ran. But in the other direction of course. Let me tell you, running with a broken knee is hard. Especially when crying.
I was at the crosswalk in front of the park, about to cross the street to go home. I was still crying like crazy, but I tried to blink the tears away. As soon as it cleared, I crossed. I could have sworn the car came out of nowhere. The same Mustang with the same two black stripes right down the middle of the car was charging at me (so to speak). Driving the car was a white young (probably college) kid with swaying blonde hair and goldish-green eyes. But it looked like those eyes didn't belong to him. They looked familiar. The I remembered. They are the ghost girl's eyes. She was inside his body controlling the car. Then she left. I could almost physically see her leave his body. When he came into the real world he realized what he was doing he slammed on the brakes. As hard as he could I could tell.
I was scared stiff. Literally. All my muscles were frozen, they couldn't move. Here I was, about to die again. My eyes got super wide and the car started skidding on the road. It made a high pitched SKREECH noise and I felt a heart-stopping pain in my broken knee. I blacked out from all the pain. ...
When I woke, I was on my back in the middle of the street. I tried to take in what just happened. Apparently the car hit my already broken knee and I fell backwards and hit my head on the concrete. The college kid was standing over me. "You okay kid? I'm really sorry." He said as he helped me up and handed me my crutches. "I zoned out and I am truly really sorry."
"It's fine. I just hope I didn't break my already broken knee even more. Man it hurts!" I only slightly touched my knee. It throbbed with pain. It became tomato red and ginormous from swelling. I felt like crying. Running, again. Why does this ghost want me dead? What did I do to deserve this? I had to stop it. I got up and, not even realizing the knee pain, went home. Everyone was surprised to see that I could walk. It was kind of funny actually. "I have to find out how to get rid of this ghost girl" I said to myself.
When I got home it was almost nine o'clock, and I had school tomorrow. I went on Google.com and searched "How to get rid of ghosts." A website called Ghostfacers.com" was the first thing that came up. I clicked it and started reading. The website said that salt keeps away demons and ghosts, but it doesn't kill them. To kill them, I must find the body that the ghost belongs to and sprinkle salt on it, spill gasoline all over it, and burn it. "Well," I said "that's illegal... but I DO NOT want a ghost trying to kill me all the time. I need a salt necklace." So I left and went to the closest Hot Topic and bought one. It was in a little glass bottle with a cork top on a metal chain. I put it on and felt a little safer. The necklace was heavier than I thought. "Cool" I said. I looked at the necklace. There was a picture in the reflection of the glass. I looked harder. I couldn't quite make it out. There was black, white and faded yellow. I thought to myself "Really!? Can't I just have a break?"
And it seemed like she heard me cause she said "Ohhhhhhhh youuuuuu cann havvvvve a breaaaaaak alrigghhht." and did a creepy murderous grin, then, dissolved. I got goosebumps and was all of a sudden shivering. I was freezing. Maybe it was the AC. Oh well, It is September. .......................... The next day I didn't feel like myself. There was something inside my head, almost literally. I could feel it. My hand moved, on its own. Then, my head turned and looked at the kitchen in my house. "What the heck!?" I yelled. I started walking towards the kitchen. "Hey, stop that! What's going on!?" Then a voice came in my head Yoooooouuuuu wannnnnted a brrrreaaaak... I'mmmm goooooing toooo breaaaaaak youuuuu... yoooooooour hhhhheart toooo bbbbbe speccccific... My hand grabbed a super sharp knife. She made me walk to my balcony and onto the rail. I was standing on top of my rail, holding the knife to my heart. "What are you doing!?!?!? Are you trying to stab me!?!?" That's when she took full control of me. I couldn't think or talk at all. My body was taken over by a ghost teenage girl. It felt weird. The knife began to break skin when I saw Cameron on the ground. He looked heartbroken. "CAMERON!!!!!" I yelled at the top of my lungs. Hey, I can talk again!
"SARAH!?!?!? WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?!?!?!? ARE COMMITTING SUICIDE!?!?!?!?" He screamed.
"Not today." I said, as quiet as possible. I took control of my body again and drew the knife up instead of in. I cut the chain on my necklace and caught it. I opened it and stuffed every grain of salt in my mouth. It tasted awful. But, the girl screamed and left my body.
"Is that a ghost? Was she in your body!?!?!?" He yelled. Then he had one of those ‘Oh... It's all clear now’ looks on his face. I went weak. I dropped the knife and if fell, along with my necklace. Then I fell... backwards onto my balcony and blacked out again. .......... When I woke up, I was in my bed, and Cam was sitting in my chair next to my bed, tapping his foot as if waiting for me. He looked tired, weak, and hungry. It looked like he hasn't showered in days. "Sarah? Are you awake?" He asked in a soft, loving voice.
"Yeah. Ow," I said rubbing the back of my head. "Why does my head hurt? What happened to me?" I asked, suddenly panicked.
"Well, your body was taken over by the ghost... And she attempted to murder you..." He said, looking at the ground.
"WHAT!?" I yelled.
"But don't worry, you're safe now. You're with me."
"But, I'm still confused. Who is she and why does she want me dead?" I asked.
"I figured out who she is. She is my old girlfriend. Her name was Peyton." He explained. "I think she wanted you dead to... make me suffer..."
"What? How did she die? Why does she want you to suffer?"
"Well, she died from a car, and it was all my fault. She was crossing the street out front to come over to my house and was hit. I guess she wants me to suffer because she blames me. So, for payback, she was gonna make me go through the same thing only with you." He said, sadder than ever. His hands were on his face and it looked like he was about to cry. I wouldn't blame him.
"Oh, how could this be your fault Cam?"
"I just feel like this is all my fault!" He said, beginning to crying.
"Well, it's not and I know how to make her go away." I said with an evil grin on my face.
"How?" He asked, slightly confused.