Part 1

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Since I'm not a pedophile, Rohan is 16 in this story. He's also in the high school.

Josuke POV

This is it. The final fight. It's time for you to pay for your sins, Yoshikage Kira!

He was backing up, and I was chasing after him.

"Damn it!" He yelled "You've made me lose so much sleep over this!" As I finally caught up to him, he looked desperate.

After a stand rush, he got knocked to the floor. I thought I had beat him, when a cruel smile crossed his face. "It seems like you've given me no choice. I'll have to activate my fourth bomb." The words froze me in fear.

"I haven't had a chance to name it yet, but all I know is that it is said to ruin your life!" Killer Queen put his hand in a finger gun, and "pulled the trigger". A little pellet came out and pricked me in the stomach.

I was expecting something grand. Like my intestines would shoot out and be strewn everywhere.

But no. Nothing happened. Nothing changed.

And you all know what happened next.

"I'm... going to activate it. Bites the dust will end this-"

Then there was the sickening crunch. Yoshikage Kira; mass murderer, killed by an ambulance accidentally put in neutral.

That's where it should have ended. In a way, it did end there.

But something even more bizarre happened next.

Time skip

It was just me, Okuyasu, Koichi, and (sadly) Rohan when it happened. It's been about 2 weeks since it all went down. We were all just hanging out at Kame Yu when it started.

"Hey Josuke, are you feeling alright? You seem kinda pale." Koichi mentioned.

"Yeah, I just don't think my lunch is agreeing with me." I replied, and it was left at that.

A few minutes later though, it started to hurt really bad. "Hey, I'm gonna go use the bathroom." I got up and started seeing spots in my eyes. I heard everyone's voice going off, but I couldn't listen.

The next thing I know I'm on the floor.

Then I'm on a bed. In a hospital. Joseph, Jotaro, and basically everyone else was whispering while staring at me.

"Ugh... What happened?" I asked in a voice that sounded like... not me. It was too high. For once, even Jotaro seemed even at a loss for words.

"Well, ya see... uhhhh....." he trailed off.

"What?" I asked sassily. "You're never at a loss for words." Something was up with my voice. I crossed my arms expectantly when something got in the way. "What the...?" I looked down

There were two boobs blocking my vision.

"What the hell?! I'm a girl?!?!" I femininely shrieked. "Is it-" I checked to see if my manhood had made it. "No... it's gone..." I started to tear up.

"Hey calm down!" Rohan yelled, avoiding my eyes. "I hate crying women."

"How did this happen?" I asked Jotaro.

"Well, while we're not entirely sure, we have reason to believe that it has to do with the fourth bomb Kira used on you."


"Look at your stomach. Where he hit you." I lifted up the hospital gown and saw a pink dot right above my belly button. Every now and then, it would send out a little pink pulse.

Each pulse, I could feel something change. One pulse, my boobs got a little bigger, the next, my nails were painted purple. It felt very strange and honestly... kind of good. It felt like I was strangely caressed and molded. Then, the pulses finally stopped and the dot was gone. By the time it was over, if I had to guess, I would say I went up 2 cup sizes and my ass grew like 2 inches since I woke up. I didn't have a mirror though.

"Well, I guess that proves that." I sighed in defeat. "So, how do I fix this?"

"Kira's dead." Jotaro said bluntly. "Nothing we can do." That was a shock.

"Maybe it'll wear off over time?" I asked hopefully.

"I doubt it. Even if he didn't design the ability, Kira's not the kind of person to have a temporary affect."

My whole world was crashing down. As a boy just out of puberty, this was all really confusing for me, and it would be so strange having to adapt, I was starting to break down.

"This'll cause a ton of paperwork. We'll have to keep you at a secondary location until we can find a way to explain this to your mother." He went on. "And of course we'll have to rework all of your official documents to match your new state. Will any of you be able to hold hi-her?" That little change was the final nail in the coffin. Not "him", but "her".

"My Mom and sister wouldn't like it if I had a new girl in the house for several days. That and Yukako..." Said Koichi.

"I don't trust you like this." Proved Yukako.

"My house is super dirty, and probably too close to yours to actually help." Okuyasu input.

There was a long pause.

"Fine. I'll do it." Rohan piped up. Damn it. "Just to be clear, this is only because I owe you one. According to Hayato, I was going to die and you stopped it, but since you would've too, it doesn't matter as much. I have a big house, so hopefully I won't have to talk to you."

"Gee, thanks." I said, oozing with sarcasm.

"Just do it. It'll be 3-4 days at the max." Jotaro scolded.

"Fine. When can I get out of here?"

"You can go with Rohan as soon as your ready. There's clothes on the chair." He gestured to the chair in the corner of the room with a bag on top of it.

He walked out of the room, but not without saying one last thing. "Yare yare daze."

One by one they all left the room. An apologetic look from Koichi, a death glare from Yukako, a general look of confusion and not understanding from Okuyasu, and finally just a look from Rohan.

"I haven't looked at you since you've turned into this. I feel it's not what a gentleman would do, being in a hospital gown, but it seems my curiosity has gotten the better of me. This will make for an interesting edition of my manga."

And then he left. "Weirdo." I muttered to myself. I couldn't believe that I'd have to live with him for several days.

I walked over to the bag and saw my uniform inside. I tried it on, but I couldn't get the undershirt on, and the coat left a huge cleavage (see cover). And I still didn't have a mirror.

Also in the bag, I saw a plain white t-shirt and some sweatpants and just decided to go with that.

I left the room and started walking down the hall. Everything was wrong. I was completely off balance. Everything was swaying and jiggling too much. I kept on tripping over myself. I had to keep my hand on the wall for support.

I can't break down here.  I need to at least get out of public. And I don't even know what I look like!

This sucks.

The... Fourth bomb? (Fem Josuke x Rohan)Where stories live. Discover now