C H A P T E R 9

42 3 0

A: "Oh no, daddy, is your hand okay?"
He said as he grabbed Jacks hand. Jack laughed a bit at how worried his son was.
E: "Of course he's okay, dummy, that happened a long time ago"
She said rolling her eyes.
Ja: "Em, be nice to your brother"
Y/N: "Dad's fine, baby. Emma is right, it happened a long time ago and it healed already"
I said smiling to Alex. He looked relieved.
Ja: "Look, all healed"
He said as he showed his hands to Alex.
Lu: "Awh it's cute how he was so worried about it"
Y/N: "I know right"
I said back to her.
Ja: "Let's continue, we still have a lot to tell you guys"
He said smiling to me.
*******BACK TO THE STORY********

I opened the door and Jack was still in bed. His back faced me. I sighed and walked up to the bed to see if he was sleeping. Jack turned around, he was fully awake. I sat on the bed next to him.
Y/N: "Did you sleep?"
He shook his head.
Y/N: "Did you even try?"
He looked up at me with guilty eyes and I already knew the answer. I let out a deep sigh.
Y/N: "Jack! You know you need to rest too. Just go to sleep, please"
Ja: "I know, but I just can't. I'm afraid that I'll start to sleepwalk again and do stupid things"
Y/N: "Jack, you're not feeling well, your hand is injured, you really need to rest"
Ja: "I can't Y/n! You don't understand!"
Y/N: "Yes, I do!"
Ja: "No, you don't!"
Y/N: "I do Jack! I get that you don't want to hurt yourself or Zach or anyone else while you can't control it. I get that you're afraid that you'd something stupid. But you can't stay awake forever. Nothing is going to happen and if it happens, Zach will be here, the boys are nearby and you can always call me"
Jack sighed deeply.
Ja: "You only say that to make me feel better. In the end, no one will come to help me and no one cares about me, I'm just a pain in the butt"
He said silently as he looked down.
Y/N: "Don't ever say that again. That's not true. Do you really feel that way? Think about it, you have the boys, the girls, Eva, Laura, Leo and Oliver, your other friends at school and me. Believe me, we do care about you"
I said as I wiped a single tear off his cheek. It's actually sad that he feels that way. He sighed and I hugged him thight. We stayed like that for a while. I think he's just feeling a bit down these last few days, but it'll get better. I pulled away from the hug.
Y/N: "Go to sleep now, please"
Ja: "I'll try"
He said sighing. I smiled at him.
Y/N: "I'll leave you alone now. Just give a yell if you need something, I'll probably still be here for a while"
I said as I got up and walked towards the door.
Ja: "Wait, I-i don't want to be alone"
Y/N: "Oh, should I ask if Zach w-"
Ja: "No! I mean...can y-you stay?"
I was a bit confused and surprised, but why not?
Y/N: "Uhh..Sure?"
I sat next to him while he laid down. We talked and watched a video on YouTube. I sat against the headboard and Jack laid down next to my leg. I looked at him and he was sleeping. I tried to get up and go back to Zach in the livingroom, but Jack wrapped a his arm a bit around me, so I couldn't get out. I guess he wanted me to stay. I decided to stay a little longer until he was fully asleep. The last thing I know is that I was watching the video and I guess I fell asleep.

*Zachs P. O. V*
Y/n went to Jack to check up on him. It was getting late and I didn't hear from them in a while. I decided to check what they were doing. I walked to my room and softly knocked on my door. I trust them in my room and was almost sure nothing happened, but I mean, you never know. You better knock to make sure. I heard nothing and slowly opened the door. They were sleeping. Y/n half sitting and Jack laying right next to her, against her leg with his arm wrapped around her. It was so cute. I smiled and silently made my way out of the room. I decided to text Laura, because I don't think Y/n told her. I think she accidentally fell asleep.

Z: 'Hey'
Z: 'Y/n is sleeping here tonight'
La: 'Wait where?'
Z: 'With Jack'
La: 'What?!'
Z: 'Nooo, not like that. It's a long story, we'll explain tomorrow'
La: 'Okay, thanks for letting me know! :)'
La: 'Goodnight Zachy xx'
Z: 'Goodnight Lau x'
*End of text*

I went to Jacks room, laid my phone on the nightstand and went to sleep.

*Y/Ns P. O. V*
I woke up and tried to move, but I felt some arms around me. I turned around to get immediately hit in the face by the well known blonde curls. I smiled and remembered what happened last night. I think that he didn't woke up, so that's good. At least, it doesn't seem like he did. I carefully made my way out of his arms and got out of bed. I walked towards the kitchen while I put my hair up in a messy bun. I entered the kitchen and Zach was making breakfast.
Y/N: "Morning Zach"
I said yawning.
Z: "Morning sleepyhead, did you sleep well"
Y/N: "I actually did yeah"
Z: "Mhm that's what I thought"
I looked questionable at him and frowned.
Z: "You two looked cute"
I blushed a bit and hit his shoulder.
Y/N: "Stop"
Z: "You like him, don't you?"
Y/N: "No"
Z: "Come on, I admitted it too"
Y/N: "Okay fine, I'm afraid I start to like him yeah"
Z: "Why afraid? I ship you two"
I rolled my eyes and realized that I didn't text Laura.
Y/N: "Shit, where's my phone?! I didn't tell Laura that I slept here"
Z: "Don't worry, I texted her last night. She knows that you're here and she's coming over later"
Y/N: "Thanks"
I said smiling, he smiled back.
Luckily it was Saturday, so we could just have a lazy day. Jack woke up and joined us for breakfast. We didn't talk about everything he said last night. But the looks we shared were enough to know what the other one meant. He told us that his hand hurt, but he was feeling better. Laura came over and we hung out with the other boys and girls today. Daniel and Eva told us that they were dating and let me tell you, they're cute. We had a lot of fun and I could tell Jack was feeling better, he looked happy and that made me smile.

To be continued...

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