C H A P T E R 39

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Jack rocked me like a baby. His hand still on top of mine, holding it against his chest. Still feeling his heartbeat that calmed me down. I leaned my head in the crook of his neck and felt that he laid his on top of mine.

Ja: "Shh, it's okay. You're already calming down, see?"

I was still crying, but my breathing was normal again. The dizziness didn't decrease at all tho. I was still curled up in a little ball on Jacks lap. His hand slipped off mine, placed it on the side of my head and pulled me close while he planted a kiss on my hair.

Ja: "Now, tell me what happened. Are you okay?"
Y/N: "I h-had a ni-"

My own gag cut me off. I was really dizzy and my stomach flipped around. I quickly got up and stumbled to the bathroom. I was a second too late and a bit fell on the floor while the rest of my vomit landed in the toilet. Jack held my hair back and sat down next to me.

Ja: "Iewl, it's in your hair"
He said scrunching his face as he looked at the spot. I gave him a little glare. Like if I was caring about if it was in my hair or not, it was feeling like I was spitting my guts in the toilet. Jack did a good job at holding my hair back and calming me down, but he looked the other way.

Ja: "I'll help you, but I'm going to look the other way, because I hate puke and I might vomit too if I see it"
I laughed a bit and rolled my eyes playfully.

After everything was out, I stood up and walked over to the sink. I wasn't as dizzy as before, but I still couldn't walk steady. Jack supported my arm while I walked. I washed my face and rinsed the tiniest strand of hair that was covered in puke.

Y/N: "You're so extra, there's almost nothing in my hair"
He just shrugged.

Ja: "Are you okay now? If yes can you tell me what happened? I'm a bit worried"
I sighed deeply.
Y/N: "I h-had a bad ni-nightmare"
My voice cracked, because of the tears that welled up. Why do I always have to cry? Shivers went down my spine as I thought about the bad dream.

Jack embraced me in a warm hug.
Y/N: "I just want to forget about it. But it keeps haunting me, I don't want to think about it anymore"
I said sniffling. He lifted me on the counter next to the sink, stood between my legs and cupped my face.

Ja: "Listen, you're safe now. You can always count on us. That guy is in jail and you were a random victim, so no one is going to hurt you anymore. You're going to sleep here the rest of the night, whether you like it or not. If you need anything please tell me and you can always come to me if you don't want to be or sleep alone, okay? You're going to sleep now and I'm going to clean that bit of puke real quick. Promise me to talk to someone, I know it helps. I don't care who, but please do it"

Y/N: "Thank you. And I'll ask if Dani wants to talk, he's really good at handling all that stuff and I can talk easily to him"
Ja: "Good"
He said smiling. He gently wiped my tears, wrapped my legs around his torso, picked me up and started to walk to the bed.

Y/N: "My legs are fine, I can walk myself"
He shrugged.
Ja: "I don't care"
I giggled a bit.
Ja: "You're giggle is so cute"
I caught myself blushing and hid my face in the crook of his neck.

He gently laid me down on the bed and pulled the covers over me. I snuggled up in the blankets while he walked back to the bathroom to clean the tiny amount of puke.

Then I heard him gag. I laughed a bit.
Y/N: "You good?"
I yelled from the bedroom.
Ja: "Uh yeah, go to sleep"
Y/N: "No, I'll clean it, it's mine after all"
Ja: "No, it's already done"
I heard him spray deodorant all over the bathroom. I grinned.

Y/N: "So I stink?"
I said when he walked over to the bed.
Ja: "Oh no, no you don't. It's just, you know, puke doesn't rea-"
Y/N: "Yeah I know, I was just kidding. It smells bad"
He smiled and laid down next to me.

I couldn't sleep, I just looked at Jacks adorable face. He turned around and opened his eyes.
Ja: "Go to sleep, you're safe now"
He whispered as he wrapped his arm around me and pulled me close. My eyes were still open. I could feel him looking at me.
Ja: "Y/n? Are you alright?"

I ignored his question.
Y/N: "I thought about it"
I said looking up, directly in his eyes. He gave me a confused look.
Y/N: "About us"
His expression immediately changed now that he knew what I meant.

Y/N: "Yes, let's give it a try. Why not? I realized that we were both being stupid and if it doesn't work out, it wasn't meant to be and I hope that we'll still be best friends. If it does and I didn't try it I would probably regret it. But let's take it a bit slow. W-what do you think?"

A big smile grew on his face. His eyes sparkled. He nodded.
Ja: "What do you say about a date this Saturday?"
Y/N: "I would love to go on a date with you this Saturday"
We both smiled and I got lost in his hazel brown eyes.

Our faces were inches apart. He cupped my cheek and closed the gap between us. Butterflies in my stomach. His soft lips on mine, it felt right. I knew that this was what I wanted. He deepened the kiss while our lips moved in sync. I pulled away before one thing lead to another, I wasn't really in the mood for that right now.

We both had huge smiles on our faces and we just stared at each other for a moment. I gave him a little peck on his lips, laid down and snuggled up close to him. He kissed the top of my head shortly and wrapped his arm around me.
Ja: "Goodnight"

To be continued...

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