Please stay with me

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(a/n) this picute is of Josselyn Mitchell. And i actually like this story. This was actually based off of a dream i had earlier today while i took a nap. wieeerd...

Loud gun fires crackled through the woods. And the sound of leaves crunching and twigs snapping sounded beneath our feet. We kept dodging trees and jumping over logs until we reached the park. I was crying and couldnt keep my breathing steady. We continued running and panting until our legs and lungs gave out. We ended up running all the way to his house. "Ohmygod." I said sqashing my words together lettting my voice crack. 

I fell to the ground and started crying. "Nyah.." Shawn said barley abouve a whisper and kneeled down to where i was. I looked up at him and held him in a tight embrace. "Are you ok?" I asked him in full on tears to where my body was so weak he was the only thing holding me up. "I'm fine babe." Let's just get you back home." He said with me still in his arms. "Ok." I sniffed.


"Why me? Why me?" I repeated while holding onto Shawn. "Shhh..." He said. We heard a loud gunshot far in the distance and  we both jumped causing me to cry even more. "Shawn, what am i gonna do?" I asked with my voice still cracking. "I dont know babe... i dont know." He said once we reached my house. "Well i cant just sit around and watch the people i love die!" I yelled and let go of him. "Well what is there to do Nyah!? You cant stop those guys! They're more powerful than you are! There more powerful than any of us are!" He yelled at me. I took a long breath in and let it back out. 

"Can you stay the night?...i'm scared..." I asked and looked off into the distance. It was getting colder each day so i was shivering. "Sure. I'll text my Mom. But let's get inside first. It's cold." He said and held me. From the long run we had we did have cuts and bruises because we each had to have fallen at some point and have the trees, branches, and twigs cut us. 

"NYAH! SHAWN! OHMYGOD! ARE YOU OK SWEETHEART!?" My Mom yelled in tears. "No-" I sighed before she pulled me into a tight hug. "Never do that to me ever again." She said. "Well i didnt do it on purpose..." I trailed off. Jazmin, Josselyn, Jack, Jack, Nash, Matt, and Cam were all sitting in the living room and looked worried, scared and some were even crying. Jack j, Jazmin, and Matt. Josselyn looked like she was about to cry. 

"Oh my god..." Mom trailed off again. "Mom, can Shawn stay the night?" I asked. "Yes." He answered. "Ok." I said after she let me out of her tight embrace. I took Shawn's hand and  led him to my room. "What about my clothes?" He asked and just hugged me out of nowhere. "You left some since the last time you spent the night...well all of the other times that you've spent the night. You have like a whole entire closet filled with your clothes." I said. "Where?" He asked. "Hall closet..." I said. 

We walked to the hall closet and  i heard everybody in the living room whispering. "Did you know what this was about? Did it have a reason to it?" Mom asked. "I dont know...we just ran away thinking that they were following us." Jazmin sobbed. 

"So that's where my favorite sweater went." Shawn said.


"What?" He said while grabbing some pajama pants to put on with the sweater. 

"Listen." I said and went into the closet and grabbed one of his sweaters to put on. 

"There has to be a reason-" Mom cried. "Mom! No, there really doesnt have to be a reason. Just a killer in the woods finding somebody to kill." Jack yelled. I kinda figured that he was gonna come to his room so i shut the closet door and took Shawn with me back into my room. "We have to take a shower..." I trailed off. "Together?" Shawn asked. "No, people will start to get suspicious..." I smiled.

"Yeah, that's what's wrong with that." Josselyn said and walked into the room. Jazmin was following behind her with puffy eyes and a pale face... followed by Nash, followed by Cam, followed by Jack G, followed by Matt, followed by my brother. "I-I was kidding..." I stuttered  and trailed off. "Me too.." Shawn said and sat down on my bed. Before any other words were said Jack pulled me into a hug. "I'm glad you're ok." He cried onto my shoulder. I looked over to Shawn remembering that he was the target. 

I was about to tell them about what the guy said but i remembered what the guy said. 

"By the way, tell anybody about this and we'll kill you instead."

I let those words ring in my ears and i held onto Jack and started crying. 


 "SLEEPOVER!!!!" Matt yelled and jumped up and down. We all laughed at him. Not with him but at him. "Come on guys! PILLOW FIGHT! You know you want to." Cam said. We all grabbed our own pillow and began beating eachother. I honestly chose the heaviest pillow because i knew this was gonna happen, i wanted to win. I want to see all of them on the ground crying to their Mom's at the end of this. 

"Watch out biatch!" I yelled and knocked Nash upside the head. 

"Ready or not here i come bitch!" Josselyn yelled and hit Matt in the face.

"Guess who, nigga!" Jazmin yelled and hit Gilinsky in the side of the head. 

This has to be the best sleepover i have ever had. 

.(Going to sleep)

I snuggled up next to Shawn in our own personal palet and silently spoke to him. "Why do you think he said that?" He shuffled around a bit before answering. "I dont know." He said. "You dont know what he said or you dont know what i'm talking about." I asked. "I have no clue what you're talking about." He mumbled. 

"That guy in the woods. When he said that the people i love will die. Why?" I asked him not that he knows. 

"Well, i guess it means that somebody obviously doesnt like you- Ow.." He said. 

"Seriously." I said.

"Didnt mean you had to pinch me." He smiled. "Yes it did. That's about the only way i could get you to be serious." I smiled back at him.

He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me closer. "I dont know why he said it and why anybody would do that to you honestly. It's stupid but serious." He said with his face close to mine. i nodded in understansment. 

He leaned in closer and closer until our lips connected. I loved this feeling. Yes, we have kissed before but that was in 8th grade. We're in high school now. But i still remember how it felt. The feeling of knowing that somebody is there for you. The feeling that somebody loves you and you love them back.

"Shawn..." I trailed off as we parted from the kiss. "Nyah..." He trailed off. "Promise me you'll stay with me....please stay with me."  I whispered. He nodded and leaned in again. 

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