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Taehyung's pov.

Jungkook looked at me and hesitated to say something.

"Are you sure you don't have anything to tell me?"

"Actually, no. I don't remember what I needed to tell you but I know it was important"

"Maybe it's about a meeting-"

"Yes! We have a meeting in 2 days in Tokyo"

"Oh so we are going tomorrow?"

"No, we have the flight today"

"W-what? I don't even have my luggage ready"

"I asked Jimin to do it for you yesterday don't worry"

"How you-"

"It's a secret" he said and made a silly face which made me chuckle.

Such a dork.


"I didn't agree to this Jungkook"

"Me too"

"What do u mean? It's you who dragged me here" I said and scoffed as we were sitting in front of the airport.

"By the way we will stay in my apartment" he said and smirked.

"You have an apartment in Tokyo, really Jeon?"

"I could buy myself an apartment in every country from this planet and I would still think it's normal"

I rolled my eyes and muttered an whatever.

"I can't believe I'm doing this"


"I'm going to be in a plane with many people and I'm afraid of rich people to be honest"

"But we take a superior class which means we are the only one on the plane besides the pilot, his helper and some employees that get us food and stuff"

"S-so we will be alone on the plane?"

"Not on the whole plane but the room we stay, yes, and it will be dark, and nobody will see us" he whispered in my ear making shiveres run down my spine.

Was it bad if I wanted to jump on him and rip that-

"Here it is Tae!"

I turned and saw a stewardess that lead us on the plane.

"It's currently 10pm, the plane will arrive in Tokyo round 2am, make yourself comfortable" said the pilot.

"And we will not bother you unless you press this button Mr. Jeon, have a nice flight" said the woman and bowed.

I sat on a chair next to Jungkook who was now looking out of the plane's window that showed only the stars and the dark pitched sky.

"Can- can I stay beside you?" I asked Jungkook.


"I-I am afraid of heights and flights and I don't feel well"

He nodded and patted the chair besides him which I took shamelessly.

The plane made a turn which my mind and body didn't took too well as Jungkook noticed that.

"Do you- do you want me to distract you?"

I nodded a little shaky as I felt like the plane was gonna crush right there and I knew I was too young to die.

I was even more surprised when I felt a pair of lips on mine.

I wanted to protest as I remembered that me and Jungkook said we are just friends.

But who am I lying to, I'm falling for him and I would never reject a kiss from someone I really like.

I started moving my lips in sync with him as I felt myself already on his lap.

I placed my hands around his neck as his hands went to my waist gripping on it securely.

I smiled in the kiss and he did too which made me really happy. He grabbed my buttcheeks in his big hands which made me gasp as he took the opportunity and started wandering my hot cavern.

As I felt our bodies so close I started moving on his lap making him groan.

"Stop kitten, we're on the plane, wait until we get to the apartment"

I whined and placed my head on his shoulder nodding afterwards.

He placed his hands around me as I drifted to sleep in Jungkook's arms which I can tell were really protective and manly.


"The plane will land in 5 minutes please get ready to exit"

I rubbed my eyes due to the strong light and looked up to meet two big eyes that were staring at me, making me blush.

"Morning kitten"

"Morning kookie"

I smiled and burried my face in his chest making him chuckle.

"Taetae wants a piggyback"

"Then Kookie will give Taetae a piggyback"

I smiled as he grabbed my thighs and took me in his back.

We exited the plane with a lot of stares from the employees making  me feel a little uncomfortable but I was too tired to think about that.

"Jungkookie it's 2am where are we?"

"We are heading to the car and then to the apartment were you can sleep tiger"

I nodded and placed my chin on his shoulder.

"Do you think I'll do well in my presentation?"

"Yes I believe in you, you'll be great"

"I hope so"

"By the way Kookie can I ask you something?"

"Sure go ahead Tae"

"Can we stay after the presentation in the country and admire the beauty?"

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