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2 years later

"Where the fuck she at, yo." Montana checked his phone looking over at the time. He and the counselor had been waiting on Kacey going on thirty minutes with no text or call to let them know she'd be late. Not only was she wasting their session time she was inconsiderate.

"Maybe she lost track of time." The counselor by the name of Vanessa said crossing one leg over the other, holding her clip board in her hand. She was a middle aged black woman. She didn't mind Kacey being late because she got paid either way. "We can always reschedule for another time." She suggested once she saw Montana standing up.

"Nah, it's fine. I ain't the reason we need this shit, she is." He shook his head, chuckling to himself. Not because he found it funny but because he was in disbelief that she didn't take their session seriously. "Ain't this some shit." He muttered to himself before he opened the door and frowned when there stood his wife Kacey.

She furrowed her eyebrows in confusion."Where are you going?"

"I'm outta here." He bumped past her but she grabbed his arm in time.

"Why are you leaving? Were supposed to talk to the coun"

"Fuck allat'. You the one who tore this fuckin family apart and got some nerve coming up in this bitch late like we on your time." He frowned, looking down at her.

"I had an emergency at the shop Montana and it was busy down there I couldn't just leave." She tried to reason with him. She wouldn't purposely show up late just to do it. She had an emergency and had to tend to it. She was very passionate about her salon.

"So that's more important than you coming to fix this fuckin' marriage!"He shouted in her face, causing her face to soften. She wasn't sensitive but in this moment she was because of how upset he was at the fact she showed up late.

"No it's not but--"She stopped talking when he cut her off again.

"I don't wanna hear shit yo ass have to say. You can go talk to her by ya fuckin' self cause I'm gone." He gave her one last look before storming out of the building. He left her there standing looking confused apologetic.

Sighing, Kacey walked into the counselors office. She greeted her with a smile and wave before she sat down in the chair in front of her.

"Nice of you to join, Kacey." The counselor spoke, sending a warming smile to Kacey. At least the counselor wasn't too upset with her tardiness.

"I'm sorry I wasted your time." It was the first thing she said. "I had an emergency and lost track of time. I really do apologize."

"It's fine, Kacey. No worries. I take it you want to continue with the little bit of time we have left?" Kacey nodded her head. Even though it would've been nice to have Montana here maybe she could express her feelings to the marriage counselor and get her perspective on everything.

"You came here with Montana to help fix your marriage correct?" Vanessa, the counselor questioned, clicking her pen.

"Yes." She nodded.

"Okay and what came in the way of that? What is the main issue going on? I want to hear your side of things and when we continue our next session I will hear Montana's."

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