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"Its positive..." Kori tells Kacey as she feels her stomach drop to her ass. For some reason she was feeling disappointed in herself even though her and Kapri used a condom every time they did have sex.

"What?!" Kacey grabs the test from her forgetting that this was Kori's pee she was touching as she looked at the test that read positive. She was kind of nervous but their were other test there and some test didn't always give off the right information.

"Check the other five." Kacey tells Kori as she still looks at the test in shock.

Kori picks up one test looking at the test as her face drops from the frown she had before. She looks at the others before she releases a sigh of release.

"They're all negative."

"That's good but sometimes it could still be a misunderstanding and this one test probably is telling the truth."

Kori pushes Kacey's shoulder rolling her eyes, "Well, damn, you gotta be a negative Nancy all the time?"

"Sorry." Kacey apologizes. "I'm just saying make sure you go to the hospital so you can know for sure if you're with child or not. I'm just saying cause I would know cause I've been through the experience."

Kacey waited in the living room for Kori who was cleaning the bathroom, Kori was going to wait until the morning to make an doctors appointment because she needed to know if she was pregnant or not. Of course Kacey was going to go with her because she didn't want her to be alone.

While Kacey looked for something to watch, Kori sat down next to her. "Something's bothering you."

Kacey turned her head, "What're you talking bout?"

"You just sitting here looking into space on the guide, so I know obviously something is wrong, Talk to me."

Kacey sat Indian style as she sighed, "Do you think I'm embarrassing myself? Or I'm just thinking too much on the situation."

"What do you mean embarrassing yourself, how would you be doin that?" Kori genuinely asked confused by that question.

"She told me that I was basically embarrassing myself by being with Montana and that she slept with him knowing we were together."

"Oh my god, Kacey. You're really gonna let what some low bitch said get to you. Obviously she's trying to get under your skin."

"Well it's working!" Kacey stressed moving her curly mane out of her face. Kacey couldn't help but think about what Charisma said.
"You don't think what she said was true?"

"No...but you do, because if you didn't you wouldn't be making a big deal out of it."

"I just," Kacey scratched her head. "I don't know what to do." At this point Kacey was stressed and didn't know what to do or think. The only good thing is she had therapy the next day so she could hopefully open up and get the help everyone wants her to get.

"Just because you take him back doesn't make you stupid."

"Yeah, you're right." She agreed, "That doesn't make me stupid but him having a baby on me does."

"You don't even know it it's his baby yet, you need to stop thinking negatively."

"I'm trying but it ain't workin' he didn't deny sleeping with her so it could be his baby and if it is I don't know what I'm gone do."

"You need to stop thinking so hard on it and if you do just go talk to him. No arguing, speaking over each other, communication is key."

24 hours later, Kori wasted no time making an appointment with her doctor to find out it she was pregnant or not. Good thing her doctor was able to schedule an appointment for her that same day, Kori didn't know how to feel. Babies were blessings and all but her and Kapri had only been together for a couple of months. She didn't want to be just another baby mother but in fact a wife first.

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