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Kapri's character was changed

Kapri Meeks

Kapri sat down on his kitchen floor with his hands on his head as he sobbed

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Kapri sat down on his kitchen floor with his hands on his head as he sobbed.

Since Tiaras death he'd been devastated. Despite their relationship and them moving on from each other Kapri was gonna get her back. What attracted Kapri to Tiara was her attitude. She had a natural bitch face and her attitude matched it. Every girl Kapri ever ra across was always easy and quick to jump to him but Tiara was different. She didn't care who he was or who he associated with and he liked that about a girl.

He loved Tiara and she was one of the women in his life he ever expressed his feelings for.

What broke him even more was the day Tiara told him about her miscarriage. He didn't even know she was pregnant to begin with and her telling him she was pregnant but lost the baby really hurt him. He was going to be a father to a child he created along with her.

Before Tiara died Kapri had plans of asking her to be his wife.

"Why man? Why." Kapri repeated as he sniffled. "That's my baby."

Kapri sat on the floor for a while before he got up walking to his room. Two boxes stood in the corner as Kapri grabbed one and went to the specific drawer Tiara would keep her clothing it.

He took his time putting some of her clothes in there before retrieving to the next drawer. He picked up one of her shirts before a little red box stood out to him. He put down the cardboard box before picking up the little red box. He opened the box seeing the ring he was going to propose to her with. He shook his head closing the box before throwing it in the cardboard box.

He grabbed the box and walked to his closet as he grabbed some of her clothes from his top shelf throwing it in. He touched at the top for anymore of her things before he felt something soft and hairy. He pulled it down and seen it was one of her favorite wigs. He shook his head chuckling before putting it in the box. He pulled down about three more wigs before the final one catch his eye.

A black one with body waves. It was her favorite wig to wear on certain days.

"Stop looking at me." Tiara said failing to hold her laugh in.

"Damn a nigga can't just admire your beauty

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"Damn a nigga can't just admire your beauty."

"Mhmm what ever." She playfully rolled her eyes walking over to him as she wrapped her arms around his torso.

"You know you the only female I ever took out in public instead of us meeting at the crib?"

"And you know you the only nigga I ever gave my real name too." She chuckled.

"And I betta be the only nigga you fuckin with."

"For now. Ima just say this." She looked up at him. "You the only nigga I ever gave a chance to that was persistent. It's something about you that I like and I just can't put my finger on it."

"I feel the same bout you." He admitted for the first time since they been talking.

"So it's settled nigga. You my man and I'm your woman. Period."

"Just like that." He said running his hands through her hair before she smacked his hand.

"Aht aht nigga. You heavy handed and I don't need you pulling my shit out—"

"You know how much this cost me boy?" Kapri laughed as he quoted Tiaras favorite line.

"Damn I miss you." He whispered before he continued to put her wigs away. When he finished he picked the box up and grabbed his keys off his dresser before walking outside to his car. He made sure he had everything before driving off to his destination.

Walking to Tiaras parents house Kapri rung the doorbell awaiting an answer. Few seconds later the door pulled in revealing Tiaras sister Jody.

"Hey Kapri." Jody said. "What you doing here?" She asked surprised seeing him there.

"I wanted to drop sum off to ya parents." He held the box in his hand.

"Okay." She nodded pulling the door open as he walked in.

He walked in and noticed Tiaras mother Jacquelyn standing in the kitchen stirring something.

He put the box down by the couch before walking over to her making his presence known.

"Hey Miss Jac." Kapri walked over there kissing her forehead.

"Oh hello Kapri. Nice to see you." Jacquelyn smiled as she closed the pot. "How you been?" She rubbed his forearm.

Kapri nodded, "I been straight. Still tryna get over the fact she ain't here no more. But you know." He shrugged.

"Yeah I know." She sighed. "We miss her dearly. It pains me more because we never really had a good mother daughter relationship. She always thought me and Charles loves Jody more but that was never the case. Yeah we would complain about certain things she did but it was only because we wanted the best for her. I couldn't even tell her I love her one last time." She shook her head looking down sniffing. She wiped her nose before looking back up at kapri. "But you need anything?"

"Oh I um brought some of Tees things, thought y'all would want some of her things."

"Thank you." He nodded.

"Ima get going I got some business to handle. I'll stop by tomorrow."

Jacquelyn nodded before they hugged. He turned on his heel before she called out to him and he turned around.

"Thank you for coming into her life, since the day she met you she just had that glow to her—So thank you."

Kapri smiled before he walked away. He said his goodbye to Jody before he walked out towards his car.

He pulled his phone out his pocket once it chimed.  He nodded his head in satisfactory as his GPS confirmed Brandon was near the area.

A few days ago Kapri and Montana snuck Kaceys phone as they searched for Brandon's Instagram thinking she may of still had him on there. When they didn't find his username they searched it up before Montana recognized Brandon in his profile picture. Kapri was able to find out who Brandon was and his last name where he put his skills to use as he found out all Brandon's information from his parents to any other associates.

The reason for them not telling Kacey because they didn't wanna her worrying if anything bad was gonna happen.

"Got sum for you." He tapped the GPS as it gave him directions to Brandon.


Kapri parked across from the gas station as he looked around for Brandon. He spotted his car and watched as Brandon came out his car. Kapri watched as Brandon said something threw his window letting him know he had someone there with him.

Kapri leaned back in his chair debating if he wanted to kill or spare Brandon and the unknown persons life at this moment. It was still light out so he knew cameras would catch his license plate.

Before he could even get a chance to do anything he heard a door closing and looked seeing Brandon pulling off. Kapri didn't bother to hide to not get noticed by Brandon since his windows was tinted.

He squinted his eyes as he got a glimpse of the person in the passenger seat.

It wasn't no other than Kacey herself.

Kapri shook his head seeing his head was playing games with him.

"Nah." He said frowning.

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