name emma smith
age 15
insta officially.emma
lives in canadaname: madi
age: 15
insta: itssmadi
lives in canadaname payton moormier
age 15
insta iitspayton
lives in americaname: chase Hudson
age 17
insta lilhuddy
lives in Americaname anthony reeves
age 17
insta luvanthony
lives in americaname elmo
age 18
insta itsselmo
lives in londonname hannah
age 16
insta hannahryleee1
lives in americaname josh
age 16
insta justjosh
lives in canada
my best life
General Fictionyou are a 15 year old girl dating payton moormeier. you're best friends name is madi you guys have been best friends since the fist day of grade 2. you're best guy friend Chase Hudson(lilhuddy) and your older brother Anthony (luvanthony) (not actual...