7: Yellow Coat

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Y/n's POV
It was one of the rainiest days that year.
I remember.
I remember my rain boots splashing in each puddle on every side walk.
I remember my pink, shiny rain coat that glistened in the water.
How could I forget?
The way he ran up to me, only to ask if I was cold.
His small, wet hands trembling as he offered me an umbrella.
I flashed a toothless grin.
I refused his offer, not wanting him to get soaked.
"Don't worry about it" his voice squeaked underneath the thunder, "I have a hoodie." He said as he pulled up his yellow coat's hood.
My finger tapped on my chin to show that I was thinking. Like all of the best cartoons had showed.
"We'll share it." I said nodding.
He smiled loudly at my idea.
His tiny fingers grabbed the stick while mine wrapped around his fist.
"Just so it won't blow away."
I remember teaching him how to splash in puddles while he showed me how to sing the song, "It's Raining, It's Pouring, The Old Man is Snoring".
My mother wasn't getting off of work until much later so he took me into his house.
His mother made us hot chocolate with his request of extra marshmallows.
We kicked our muddy boots off, running up the stairs.
I showed him how to play 'Princess and Pirates'. He demanded to be the pirate.
"So that's how you met, huh?" Y/s/n chuckles.
I look at my love, Shawn. He looks back.
"It's a rainy day today!" Shawn cheers.
"I'm going to give Sarah an umbrella!" Y/s/n says with a gushing blush.
Shawn leaps up, running over to the closet.
He quickly grabs something, turning around too quickly for me to get a good look at what it even was.
"Ya sure she's the one?" He asks while clutching the item behind his back.
Our little boy nods with his whole heart pouring.
"Ok then." Shawn smiles.
He holds out the blue umbrella.
"Don't let it blow away."
"Ok, daddy." Y/s/n says while wrapping his arms around him for a loving hug.
"Oh, and one more thing-" Shawn starts.
His hands reach back in the closet, grabbing the silky, yellow coat.
"Don't want you getting cold."

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