-An Arguement That Went South-

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I stared at my ceiling. I thought of several different things. My mom. Johnny. Caleb. My diary. My mind was scattered. In five different places at once. Tears strolling down my cheeks and soaking my pillow. My mind was ruining me.

It's now 6:00 am and I can see dim light shining slightly through my window, illuminating my room with a light blue. I could hear my mom and jimmy leaving, and I could hear the front door shut behind them. I peeled the blankets off me and went to the bathroom. I've been needing to go pee for hours. And I've just been waiting for my mom and stepdad to leave.

I walked over to my door and opened it slowly. I made my way through the dark, feeling the walls around me until I made it to the bathroom. I clicked on the light and shut the door. I pumped facial soap into my hand and quickly scrubbed away any traces of makeup and tears. I then rinsed my face and patted it dry. I stared at myself in the mirror for a bit longer then I had originally thought I would.

I tucked a strand of hair behind my ear and grabbed a hair tie. I swooped all my hair into my hands and brought it up, forming a ponytail. I secured it in place with my hot pink hair tie and pulled out just a few baby hairs. I shrugged at my look and turned on my heel, getting ready to make my way back to my room. I left the bathroom, clicking the light off behind me. I made my way to my room and clicked on my fairy lights. I sat on my bed and just kind of stared at my wall. That was, until someone knocked on my door.

I didn't answer, hoping they would think I was asleep and would leave me alone.

"Annie, I know you're awake.. please let me come in." They somewhat pleaded. By they I mean Hayden. That's right. Hayden Summerall was knocking on my door after making my night a living hell. I rolled my eyes and blew hair out of my eyes. "I'm coming in... I hope you're decent." He said before he opened my door slowly. I looked at him before quickly going back to staring at my wall. He stood in my doorway, looking at me.

"I know you hate me, but can we at least just talk about this before you block me out forever?" He asked me. I shrugged my shoulders, wishing he would just leave me alone. He sighed and walked in. I felt the bed dent inward to my right, meaning he had sat down.

"Can you at least talk to me?...Please?"

I gave him no response.

"Look Annie I'm sorry. I was drunk and I don't even know why I did it."

I scoffed. "As if I haven't heard that before" I said bluntly. "What?" Hayden asked. "It doesn't matter. Get out of my room." "No." "Yes." "No." "Yes!" "No!" "Hayden Summerall get out of my room!"

"You know what. I tried to be nice but you're being a bitch! You know, I was here first! This used to be my hang out room until you had to move here!" He yelled.

"How is that my fault! You think I want to be here?! Because if you do, you're so wrong!" I exclaimed.

"Well that's the first time we've ever felt the same way about something! If you don't wanna be here, then why don't you leave huh? Leave then!" He yelled at me.

I looked at him, shocked. I scoffed and grabbed my mini backpack. I took my three Visa cards (each with $50 on them) and stuffed them into my bad. I took my phone and a charger, as well as an extra $20 in cash and shoved those in my bag too. I save all my Visa cards that I get from family on special occasions just in case. I never thought it would be for this but oh well.

I threw on a large knitted sweater and took two extra pairs of leggings and put those in my bag too. A few pairs of underwear were put in there too. I spritzed some perfume on me and put on some deodorant. This all occurred right in front of him. I grabbed a water bottle and made my way out of the door.

"Annie come on. I didn't mean it."  He had the nerve to say.

"No. We both know you did. You don't want me here so bad? I get it. I invaded your home. You don't want me here so bad. I'll leave." I told him before running down the stairs in anger. I heard Hayden sigh. I also heard Johnny. "I'm going to go get her."

"No don't. She just needs to cool off. She's a dramatic little girl. She'll be back in a few hours. She's too scared to actually run away." I could practically hear Hayden's eye roll. 'A dramatic little girl'. If he thinks I'm too scared to actually do it then he doesn't know me at all. I'll show him that I'm not a dramatic little girl. Of all people, he's a dramatic little girl.


I walked into the little drug store that was about three miles away from the house I had left a little while ago. I grabbed a few necessities off the shelves and held them in my hands. I brought them over to the check out. I took out one of my VISA cards and swiped it. The lady bagged my items and wished me a great day. I sent her a smile and walked out, the pink plastic bag in my hand. I have to say, I've never seen a drug store use pink plastic bags, but I'm all for it.

I looked around. I was in the city, you could tell that for sure. It was now about 8:30 am, and cars were scattering the streets, and people were starting to appear on the sidewalks. There were crowds her and there, but not many, thankfully. I looked across the intersection. My eyes widened at the sight. Johnny and Hayden, looking around. I saw Hayden look down at his phone, typing something. I then heard my ringtone start to blare from my back pocket. I grabbed it and silenced it, obviously rejecting the call. By the time I looked up from my phone, Johnny and Hayden were crossing the cross walk over to me. I panicked. I did the first thing that came to mind. I ran.

I ran as fast as I could. I knew they were chasing me but I didn't stop. Although them catching me wasn't too bad, my adrenaline still kicked in and I ran as fast as I could. I tried my best to avoid pedestrians as I weaves through them. I then turned down an alley and was alarmed when I saw it was a dead end.

"Oh you've gotta be fucking with me." I muttered under my breath as I looked for a way out. I heard quick footsteps come around the corner and into the alley. I knew it was them. Without a thought. I climbed up on the dumpster and managed to jump over the metal gate fence. It was about ten feet high, which was pretty far up when you're coming from the top. I crashed into the ground, sending a pain to spur throughout my ankle. I squeaked in pain but I didn't stop running.  I ran out of that alley and onto the new street. I heard them make it over the fence behind me and I decided to run through the street.

A car was cruising down the street going full speed but I still ran across. I almost got hit but lucky me. I didn't. Pain was still shooting through my ankle as I ran down the sidewalk. I saw a stairway leading to the underground subway and I took the chance to escape. Of course they say me and followed me through. I ran through the bomb detectors and into the waiting station. I saw the doors, and bolted through them. Just as I made it in the motorized train, the doors closed right behind me.

I turned and looked out of the glass doors, seeing Hayden and Johnny standing right outside. They were out of breath, just like I was. They looked so disappointed. Just as the subway started to move, I made a pouty face towards them as they watched. I quickly gave them the finger, pouty face still continuing. I laughed as they left my view and the subway was off into the tunnel. Now that I snapped back into reality, where was I even headed to?

I looked up and the destination screen. My smile faltered. I was scared but happy all at once. I've always wanted to go there anyway. Annie stop being so scared. Hayden wanted this anyway. You finally got away and you don't have to deal with your dreadful family anymore. Besides, a long term vacation isn't so bad after all.

San Francisco, here I come.

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