-Apologizing in the Hotel Room-

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I lay my head back on the subway window. After hours of being on this underground train, I'm finally at my destination. Well in a few minutes, that is. Constant screeches of the railroads, constant snores of strangers around me, the heat, the odd lighting, it's all made me miserable. Not to mention the excruciating pain in my right ankle. I sighed. I don't think I can take this much longer.

Luckily, I don't have to.

'Your destination has been reached. Have a good day!'

I stood up the best I could and grabbed my belongings. I slowly and steadily walked out of the subway and into the arrival station. I made my way up the stairs and into the city. It was around 6:30 pm by now, meaning it was getting fairly dark soon. I looked around, questioning what to do from here. I decided to check my phone. Well look here, a text from the one and only Johnny.

Deep down I know that I have no reason to dislike him, and that I don't have anything against him at all, but for some reason I front as if I hate him as much as I do Hayden. And to be honest, I don't exactly know why.

Okay I know you're mad at me, but I just want to make sure you're safe. Please answer.

I'm fine. I arrived a few minutes ago. What're you gonna do? Tell Hayden and come on another search? 🙄


I'm not telling Hayden anything. I just want you to be safe and not get hurt. FaceTime me...please?

And from there on I just couldn't resist. So yes. I hit the FaceTime button and awaited his answer. Which was not even one ring long. I moved to an empty bench on the side of the sidewalk and watched Johnny on the call, but making sure I wasn't in view.

"Annie!" Johnny breathes out as if he were relieved. "Why aren't you showing your face? Did someone hurt you?? Are you okay???" He asked frantically. "Johnny I'm fine..." I told him, trying not to seem stressed. "If you say so. I have something for you." He told me. "What is it?" I asked curiously. Why on Earth would he get me something? "I bought you a hotel in San Francisco. I know that's where you are because the destination sign said so. It's just around the corner from where you're supposed to get off." He told me, sounding very proud.

"Wow...um.. thank you so much Johnny... I don't know what to say. Shouldn't you hate me?" I asked, shyly. "Annie I could never hate you." He admitted. I stayed silent, because of the simple fact of I didn't know what to say. After a few moments of silence passed Johnny spoke up. "Haight Street, Bingo Hotel, you should see it. It has big flashy lights." I gave a quick okay and walked my way to the hotel. I made it there and I checked in using the information Johnny had gave me. I was on the phone with him all the while, and he looked nervous all of a sudden. I made it to my room and set down the bags I had been carrying.

"I miss you." I heard come from the speakers of my phone. It took me a moment to answer. "I miss you to Juan..." We both stayed quiet until once again, Johnny spoke up. "Can I meet you there tomorrow morning?..." He asked. "What?" I asked, confused. "Can I come to the hotel tomorrow morning? I'm worried about you..." He told me. "If you want to, I wouldn't mind. But if it's out of your way then don't worry about it. I'm sure I'll be okay either way."

"Is 9 am okay?" He asked. "Of course." I smiled. I set my phone on the dresser and took out an oversized hoodie, slipping it over my body. I picked up my phone and brought it with me over to the bed; which I had soon laid down on. It was silent for a few minutes, but luckily it wasn't awkward or uncomfortable. It was just a neutral silence. I knew Johnny wanted to say something but for some reason he was holding it back.

"You need to talk to him..." He told me in a low and soft tone. "Why should I? He hates me." I told him bluntly. If only I felt that way on the inside. If only I didn't actually care. Truth is I did care, and even saying that made my heart hurt. I care about Hayden a lot. And I would do anything for him. And then he exposed my secrets in front of my soon to be classmates. It was hard enough moving to a new high school and now rumors are spreading about me and I don't even attend that school yet.

Not to mention he called my mom and got me into serious trouble for no reason. Speaking of trouble, my moms probably gonna kill me when she realizes I left. And last but not least, he's the one who told me to leave in the first place. And as soon as those words escaped his mouth it hurt me. And I had so much emotion and I was so upset about it that I thought since he wanted me gone so bad that I might as well just go. There's no point in being there if he doesn't want me there.

"No he doesn't Annie." Johnny began, "As a matter of fact, Hayden's more worried about you than I am to be honest." . I looked up that the hotel room ceiling. I doubt that. "You're not hearing this from me... but he was so worried and upset at himself that he... cried." Johnny whispered to me. "You're kidding." I told him.
"I wish I was." He laughed. I let out a soft laugh as well, and then the silence rose once again. "I'm gonna hang up, and you're gonna call Hayden. Okay?" Johnny told me. "...Alright." I gave in. "Goodnight Annie. Sleep well, be safe, and clear things up with Hayden. You'll feel better I promise." Johnny reassured me. "Thank you Johnny, good night." "Love you lots." "Love you lots." I said back to him just before he hung up. I then put my finger over Hayden's contact on my FaceTime log. I took a deep breath and a few moments later I gained the courage to click it. After a few rings, there was an answer.

"Hello..?" He sniffed.

"I'm sorry Hayden..."

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