The Generals.

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The Generals

Zander woke up the next morning with an idea.... Altough he hadn't t formed his idea fully yet... He was going to find a way to save Trent. It was 8:30. Troll didn't wake up until about 11:25. Pretty late even for mitlary standerds, "god, Zern.... why did you always have to make our bucker so frickin' cold?!" Zander muttered walking over to the thermostat, '64' was the degrees. Zander growled sometimes he thought Zern was made of ice, "I'm changing it to '74'" Zander shrivered changing the degree, "Zander!" Richard yelled turning on the lights, "Yes sir!" Zander almost jumped out of his skin, "I need to talk to you." Richard ordered gesturing for him to come into the room with him. Zander slowly tured around and started to walk to the Living Area, "I wonder what happened?" Zander thought scratching his head. When Zander entered the room he saw four of the miltary genrels waiting for him. Zander gulpped. He wasn't expected this to happen. "...Zander, This is General Vallic, General Conjin, General Keillers and Admiral Truett." Richard introduced. Amanda Vallic was one of the first female officers after the Nuclear Drop of 2019, She might have be a girl... But she's extremely skilled with firearms and hand-to-hand combat and one of the toughest people in the miltary base. Venus Conjin, his parents were hippies and decided to name their second child, Venus. General Conjin's brother died in combat with a sewer demon fellow officers and troops called, Blood Eyes. Conjin is one of the tactics expert and is the most skilled minded out of the four. Marco Keillers was originally Mexico, though when World War Three came around he transferred to America's side and due to that was the only surviver of the Nuclear Bomb drop on his area. Richard Cragary, though he did give the painfull orders to drop Nuclear Bomb Seven at the beginning of World War Three, before that happened he had just joined the English Miltary. At one point in his live had a wife and a daughter with special needs. Although he rarely refers to that time in his life. It is rumored that the first Nuclear Bomb dropped, by his orders, on England killed his family. Thus turning him into the person he is today. Then there's Benjamin Truett. He really doesn't serve much of a purpose besides being a pack mule for the Generals to boss around. Besides that he's useless, but he is a very skilled computer repairer and hacker. Though in a world where eletricity is rare to find... That doesn't seem like much of a useful skill. "Sit down, please" General Conjin ordered pointing at a large metal chair. Zander slowly started to walk over to it. His steps echoed as his feet hit the metal floor. With every step towards the chair he felt the lump in his throat and the fear in his heart grow bigger, until finally he reached the chair. Zander gulped and prayed to himself that this wasn't the end, "So you're Zander Mallook?" General Keillers questioned narrowing his amber eyes as he spoke, "I prefer not to be called by my last name..." Zander uttered crossing his arms in rebellion," Your father was a great solder... And an even better man." General Vallic stated taking off her hat in respect to the fallen solder. "Enough of this chit-chat... Let's get to the point..." Richard interrupted slamming his fist on the wooden table. Everyone including Zander cut to attention. Richard was the oldest general in the room. He also had the most experience on the battlefield out of everyone in the room. "... Do you all understand what's going on?" Richard asked scanning the room to see if anyone needed a refreshment on they were going to do. "... Nevertheless..." Richard continued. He cleared his throat and began to speak again,"... As most of you know there has been a large streak of Sewer Demon attacks spanning over the past two months... I sent in a four solder squad to investigate what was happening... But they haven't returned... And I sent them on the mission about a month ago... But last night I received this audio message from one of the squad members..." Richard clicked on a tape recorder and the message played,

"... H-Hello?... This is Thunder, of GoM squad... I'm not sure how long I can last down here... THEY'RE EVERYWHERE!!.... They killed my whole team... If I don't be care they migh-- WHAT'S THAT?!?-- NO! NO!!-- AGGGGH!!!--"

The transmission ended, "... Our mission is simple. Go down there and finish what GoM squad couldn't... I must warn you... It will be dangerous... Sewer Demons have gotten more powerful... Hopefully we can stop those monsters dead in their tracks." Richard finished. After that everyone got up from the table and got ready for the mission. Although much was uncertain... One thing was... It wasn't going to be a walk in the park.

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