some call it magic whispers lowly out my alarm speaker 4am i wake up and turn and see , my 2 week old baby fussing at 4 am like usual i get up and breast feed him
a couple hours later i sign onto my mac book turn on the baby monitor as i clean the house except the baby room since i let it air out twice a day
i start some dinner i boil some seasoned pork chop and ribs then i grill and bake them til the point of them falling of the bone then stop and goes to grab aj and put her in her rocker
i made some pecan strawberry apple grape salad and then i bake banana pudding and i do this with the baby attached to me in the chest carrier watching her giggle and smile suckling when he needs to after i seen him fussy in the rocker
i hear gun shots ring out around the corner .... i hear the police i smh praying over whoever the person was i sit down hearing a knock i open the door holding baby girl but i gasp seeing who it was .....
sorry cliffy yall ttyl after i register tn