Locker rooms are gay

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Stan was kneeling in the bathtub... jk, it's not one of those ones lol.


The bell rang, I get up from my seat in Mrs. Chokesondik's class and head out into the hallway to find Kyle. The hallways are crowded with people racing their way towards the lunch room. I spot Kyle at my locker waiting for me. I smile, with a blush creeping up on my cheeks. I realize I'm blushing, and I try hide it so I don't seem gay, which is dumb because I am gay. But nobody knows that yet, not even Kyle. I want to tell Kyle, but I don't know how he would react. I rush over to Him
"Hey dude." He says with a friendly smile.
"Hey man, what are you feeling for lunch?"
"Hmm... maybe a spicy chicken sandwich. What about you." I reply.
"My mom packed me some gefilte fish and some leftover latkes." Kyle says unenthused.
I fake throw up.
Kyle punches me in the arm and we head off to lunch.
We walk up to the classic lunch table of Eric Cartman, the local fatass, Kenny McCormick, the cat piss huffer, our token gay couple, Tweek and Craig, and then Kyle and I.
"Hey fags." Cartman says with food in his mouth.
"Hey fatass." I chuckle.
"Hey! I'm not fat, I'm big boned!" Cartman says with a huff.
"Whatever you wanna tell yourself." Kyle says.
"Fuck you Kyle! anyways, did you guys hear Butters is gay."
I cringe at the topic.
"So? We're gay." Craig says for both him and Tweek, who is aggressively shaking as always.
"Who fucking gives a shit?" Kenny responds, then continues to eat his PB&J.
"Well Butters is probably checking all of us out in the locker room, be aware." Cartman says in defense.
"Fatass, you literally put his penis in your mouth and took a picture of it. If anything you're going to be checking him out." Kyle says in response.
"Shut up Jew! Everyone knows Jews are gay! I told you guys It was a joke, and it was in 4th grade!" Cartman screams, attracting a few glimpses.
"Shut up fatass!" Token yells from across the cafeteria.
"Fuck you Token, you're just mad because Black Panther sucked."
The table silences as Butters approaches.
"Hey fellas. Can I sit with you?" Butters asks shyly.
"Yeah s-s-sure." Tweek stutters out. Butters sits down at the end of the table near me.
"So Butters... you like penis in your mouth?" Cartman asks.
"Well jeez.. not exactly." Butters says shyly.
"Butters you pussy, What do you mean not exactly?" Craig asks.
"Well, I'm bi-curious." Butters says proudly.
"What the fuck does that mean?"
"Well Eric, that means you might like both boys and girls."
Craig rolls his eyes.
"How unoriginal, you can't be gay, Tweek and Craig are already gay." Eric says.

I look over at Kyle. He has this trouble expression on his face. Then he gets up from the table and leaves the cafeteria swiftly.
"What the fuck's his problem?" Cartman asks.
I don't know, I'll go check on him." I say, getting up from my seat.
I head out the doors and into the empty hallways. I really hope he's okay. I've only admitted it to myself recently, but I think I might have a crush on Kyle. And I think I've had it for a while.
Honestly, I hate the thought of it, it makes me feel dirty. Like I shouldn't be thinking of him in that way. He's been my best friend since we were little kids, but it's getting harder to ignore.
I refocus my attention on finding Kyle.
I wonder what could have made him leave so suddenly.
I jog down the hall into the bathroom room to see Kyle sitting on the floor across from the sinks with his back against the wall. He looks startled to see me.


I rushed out of the cafeteria to avoid the conversation topic that lately I loathed the mention of. That being the whole... gay thing.

I went to the bathroom, splashed some water on my face. I don't know why that topic makes me feel so uncomfortable. I don't hate gay people or anything, I just feel so weird talking or even thinking about it. I dry my face off with a paper towel and sit down. When Stan stampers in causing me to jump.
"Hey dude, sorry I didn't me to catch you off guard."
I'm relieved that it's only Stan, though he looks concerned. Stan has this way of always knowing when I'm stressed or having a problem. Usually I don't have an issue with that, but in this case I don't want him to know.
"It's okay, man" I grin.
"You sick or something? You bolted out of the cafeteria pretty fast."
"Uh... noo, I..." I try to think of a response that won't be suspicious or sound idiotic. "Just really had to take a shit."
"Oh" he laughs "I mean you took all your stuff with you so I just thought–"
I cut him off "I'm all good, man" I can tell I'm not doing a good job of fooling him, so I change the subject "So you still wanna hang out after school today?"

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