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I sigh "I won't" how could I?

It's Monday morning I'm in history. It's one of two classes Kyle and I share. He sits in the desk in front of mine.
"Hey man, what's up?" I say
"Nothing much." he replies.

Cartman leans in to the isle from the desk behind me to look at Kyle "What's up jew?"
Before Kyle can snap back. Mr Garrison says. "Okay class, today you'll be starting a project." Everyone groans.

"You will be working with a partner though so that's half the amount of shitty papers I have to grade."

Everyone's heads dart to their potential partner. "Your partner has be selected randomly." Mr Garrison adds.
everyone groans again.
"What the fuck!" Eric yells

"Eric shut up!" Garrison yells back. "You and your partner will each have to pick an ancient civilization that has fallen And explain how they fucked up and died." He pulls out a list "your partners are as follows. Kenny your with Eric."

"Sweet" cartman man whispers.
A muffled "Are you fucking kidding me?" Can be heard across the room.
"Tough shit Kenny!" Mr. Garrison exclaims. "Who your partners with is not up for debate."
I'm crossing my fingers that I'm with Kyle.

He continues to read down the list. " Clyde and Token, Tweek and Bebé, Kyle and Craig"
"Stan and Wendy"
Double fuck

I think I'd rather slam my head in a car door than work with Wendy we haven't really talked since we broke up. Which was a couple years ago. This can't happen, it's way to fucking awkward.

Garrison Finishes reading down the list. "Okay class get together with your partner, essays will be due at the end of the week."

I don't move from my seat.
Kyle turns around. "You good dude?"
I stare at my desk "Just peachy" I grit my teeth.
Kyle sluggishly gets up to sit near Craig.

I stay stagnant. To my surprise Wendy sits in Kyle's now empty seat and says. "Alright Stan lets get this over with, shall we?"
"Kay" I grumble.
"Let's go to the library and work. It will be quieter there."
We get permission, and make our way to the library in silence.

Wendy looks a lot different now from when we dated. She has a choppy A-line bob cut, like 5 piercings in each ear and a stud in her nose. She's a little bit more edgy, but still maintains this girly aura.

There's no one here but us. We sit at a table in the back corner. "Okay any ideas on what city we might wanna do?" She asks.
"No" I say hopelessly.
"Stan" she sighs as if she's already over my bull shit.
"What?" I say annoyed
"Listen" she says "I'm Sorry I'm not Kyle but–"
"What's Kyle got to do with anything?" I interject. I sound way more defensive than I wanted to.
"Come on, really? I'm not fucking stupid." She looks annoyed as if I just insulted her intelligence. "I know I'm not your ideal partner. Buy this doesn't have to be awkward."
"Awkward? Noooo, this isn't awkward at all!" i say sarcastically. Okay maybe I'm overreacting just a little.

"I'm sorry we stopped talking after we broke up, but you didn't seem like you wanted to talk to me so I let you go." She says.
"Whatever" I say coldly
"I just wanted to give you space to... figure things out..."

I roll my eyes. "What are you getting at Wendy? Like Sorry I didn't want to have sex with you! And I'm sorry you think I'm a faggot!" I regret it as soon as I say it.
She purses her lips and Her eyes start to get glassy "Oh so that's it, is it?" she sounds hurt and angry. I feel bad now. "You know that's not why I broke up with you right? I don't even understand how you can even be mad at me. Just cause I didn't want to date, didn't mean I didn't wanna be friends. I wasn't gonna be with someone who could never love me the way I loved them."

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