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"I didn't know Kyle and Craig were so close." Wendy says.

"Yeah me either." I say confused.

I see Craig put his hand on Kyle's shoulder and double over laughing. "What the hell, why does he keep touching him?"

"I don't know."

"Craig has a fucking boyfriend!"

"Are you... jel?" Wendy asks.

I hesitate to answer and then blurt "Uh yeah, kinda."

She laughs.

Craig playfully pushes him. "The fuck, He just touched him again!"

"Calm down, I'm sure you're overthinking this."

Suddenly someone burst in to the library. Calling Craig name. It's Token, wearing his track uniform. "Oh awesome you're here!" He says a bit winded.

"How'd you know I was here?" I hear Craig ask.

"Oh Tweek told me. Yeah he's having a panic attack."

Craig's face goes ashen. He starts throwing his stuff in his Messenger bag. "Shit, is he still at track practice?"

"Yeah he's just on the field. I told him I'd come get you."

It's not unlike Tweek to be panicking. Nevertheless, Craig whips his bag over his shoulder. Tells Kyle he has to go and then runs out with Token.

I find it really kind of cute how much Craig and Tweek care for each other. Craig's kind of a sarcastic, passive aggressive asshole, but he has such a soft side around Tweek. And Tweek's less of a nervous wreck when he's with Craig.
But I don't find it cute when Craig is all over Kyle for no reason. Maybe I am reading to much into this.

Kyle walks over to our table "Well I guess I'm done working on the report for the day. You guys can keep working though if you want."

I'm kind of embarrassed, we literally have nothing on the table. We just talked the whole time. Before I can say anything Wendy says, "Actually, I should be heading home soon."

"Alright. See you tomorrow then." I say.

She walk towards the exit "See ya!"

Just me and Kyle now.

"Hey:" I say quítly.

"Hey." He looks Down at the floor shuffling his feet.

"So... How's it goin?"

"Eh, it's been kind of a shitty day."

"Oh...  That sucks. Yeah sorry we haven't really talked that much today."

"It's cool." He looks away. He seems really down.

"Soo, you maybe wanna grab burger?"

He perks up. "Yeah, that'd be great."

We get in my beat up, old Jeep and start heading towards this old 60's style dinner about 2 miles outside of town. Kyle seems kind of quite "So, why was your day so bad?" I ask.

"I don't really know."  he shrugs and stares out the window.

He seem fine early that day in history class, and he seemed real okay with Craig. Not that  I should even care, but my curiosity takes over. "How's working with Craig?" I pry.

"It's not that bad, i guess. How's working with Wendy?" He asks

"It's okay, I'd still rather work with you." Shit I feel like that sounded gay. But I swear I can see a smile pulling at the the side of his mouth and a slight blush creep up on his cheeks.

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