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When I wake up, Stan's not next to me. Which I'm kind of disappointed to see. I hear the shower so I assume that it's him in there.

I get dressed, I put on a t shirt and a pair of black jeans. I throw on my green hat, not cause it's cold or anything. I just want something familiar.

I feel uncomfortable. I make my way down stairs and sit down on the love seat in the living room.

Tweek and Craig are on the couch. Tweek's still sleeping laying with his head on Craig's chest and their feet are intertwined. Craig however is awake and looks over at me. "Hey, What's cooking Twinker bell?" He says.

I crattle my face in my hands, rub my eyes and sigh.

"Hey, what's up?" He gently slides out from under Tweek, slowly sits up and gingerly places Tweek's head in his lamp."

"Why do you care?." I mumble. My voice sounds lost and sad.

He hesitates "Because... we're friends." He sounds a bit contrite. It's odd there isn't an ounce of sarcasm in his voice. This isn't Craig's usually MO to say something like this, and for go sarcasm while saying it.

Some of my bitterness subsides. "Yeah I guess we are." A slight smile tugs at the corner of my mouth. I hadn't really thought about it, but I've been coming to Craig a lot to vent, or ask for advice about Stan, and he's actually been quite helpful,  in his own Craig kind of way. It's nice that I can vent to someone about something I can't talk to Stan about.

"Did you not tell Stan and I about the other empty room so we'd have to share a room?" I ask.

He smiles devilishly. "Nooo" He lies. "But how was it? And who told you about the other room?"


"That son of bitch"

I tell him about what happened. How Stan touched my hand, maybe on accident possibly while he was sleeping. But then flung off the side of the bed when I reciprocated. "What if he thinks I'm like a freak now!" I start to freak out a little to loud and Tweek picks up his head slightly but then falls back down onto Craig's lap.

"Okay, Chill out there Dildo Faggins, Gandalf the Gay is here to help you." He says calmly.

I raise an eyebrow "Gandalf the Gay?" I swear, I can't tell if the shit he comes up with is genius or retarded.

"You know "Gay" instead "Grey."" He seems real proud about this one.

I roll my eyes and mumbled "More like Dumbledork"

"Ugh Fine, You don't like Lord of the Rings, Just listen then Harry butthole pussy Potter. Stan probably doesn't even remember it happening, He was probably asleep and you just caught him off guard while he was sleeping."

"I mean... I guess that makes sense. But how  do I know for sure?"

I hear someone coming down the steps. It's Stan.

"Time to find out." Craig says.


I've decided the best thing for me to do is act as if nothing happened last night, and hope Kyle acts the same.

"Hey– Stan" Craig greets me.

"Uh, hey" I reply

"How'd ya sleep last night?" He asks.

"Um...fine–"  Why do I always get the sense that he knows something, or knows what I'm thinking.

"Hey Stan" Kyle says

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