-Chapter 14-

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3rd pov

The kitchen was silent before Irene finally broke the silence. "Would there be a problem if Byul and I were dating?" Irene asked, which Wendy was quick to reply back,"of course not Unnie! That would actually be great news!!" Moonbyul stayed silent and watch them speak."Well that's good to hear but weren't not dating...yet." Irene replies with a big smile on her face.

The only thing that could be heared was the sound of glass breaking causing everyone to turn around to see where that sound came from and there was seulgi with wide eyes and mouth wide open. "Sorry  I'll make sure to pick this mess up." Was all Seugli said as she bent down to pick up the broken glass but there was a hand holding her back. She looks up and sees it's Moonbyul, "It's okay Seul, I'll pick it up" byul said with a kind smile. Seulgi shakes her head and said "It's okay Moonbyul I'll pick it up." Seulgi said and was quick to pick up the glass up but Byul took the glass out of her hand.

Seulgi doesn't know what got into her when she snatched the glass back into her hand cutting byul's hand on accident. "Fuck." was byul said as she held her bloody hand. "Byul! Are you okay?!?" Irene say quickly rushing to Moonbyul's side and looking at the cut. Byul could only nod her head as Irene leads her to the bathroom to get the first aid kit. Wendy looked at her best friend and could only shake her head and follow to the girls  to the bathroom to check up on Moonbyul.

Seulgi felt guilty and felt her tears flowing down her cheek as she throws the glass away and runs to her room. Joy and Yeri just come out their room to only see blood on the kitchen floor. They panicked and where about to yell when they see Moonbyul, Irene, and Wendy coming out of the bathroom. "What happened unnie?!?" Yeri asked with fear in her voice. "Oh Byul accidentally cut her hand and I needed to clean it." Irene answered, but it was obvious that she was slightly worried for byul. "Are you okay byul unnie?" Asked joy. " I'm fine dont worry kids" byul said with a charming smile that could make any girl swoon. "I'm gonna go and talk to Seulgi." Moonbyul said as she made her way towards seulgi & Wendy's room.

Irene pov
I was honestly worried for Byul's hand but she reassured me that's fine and doesn't hurt. Now I'm curious as to what she and seulgi will talk about. I snap out of my thoughts when I feel a hand on my shoulder. "Your girlfriend is okay unnie stop worrying." Wendy said with a gentle smile. "Girlfriend ?!?" Both maknaes yelled making me wince at the volume of their voices. "Indoor voices please" was all I said and they look at me. "You and Byul unnie are dating ?" Yeri said as she finally snapped out of her shock. "No." I simply reply. "Well Irene Unnie you need to tell us if you do okay because you didn't give us detail about your date!" Joy said a bit loudly making me roll my eyes.

"Don't worry you guys will be the first to know and we're just talking for now" I said with a smile. "Huh no wonder you're wearing her sweater" Joy said with a chuckle and I just remembered that I was, I couldn't help but blush. "Aww look at our unnie blushing because she's wearing her "girlfriend" sweater !" Yeri said with a smirk and soon enough the girls were teasing me. "What's going on here ?" We hear byul say from behind and so we turn to see her with a small smile. "Oh you know teasing your "girlfriend" for having your sweater." Joy said with a smirk on her face and I can see Byul's cheek turn slightly pink making me smile.

"I...well she was cold." byul said while making her way to my side. I wrap my arms around her waist and she wraps her arms around my shoulders pulling me closer to her. "Awww." We hear the girls say but I ignore them. "Are you hungry?" i ask her . "Yeah but I was gonna go home to change since I need to go to dance practice today" she said playing with my hair as I lay my head on her shoulder. "Well you should eat first and then you can go to dance practice."I said sternly making her smile and nod her head. "Alright my lady whatever you say" she says as she leans down to peck my cheek making me blush and I hide my face in her neck.

I hear the girls squeal and byul just laughs. After we finish making breakfast and eating I walk Moonbyul to the door. I hug her and I whisper in her ear "I'm sorry I put you in this position but I just thought it could make things easier." She hugs me tightly and whisper that it's okay. With a final goodbye she left making me feel a little sad. I walk to the living room and turn on the tv to watch some movies. Maybe this wasn't such a good idea, I thought to myself.

I'm updating today since I won't be able to update tomorrow, but I hope you guys are enjoying this story. I'm sorry for any mistakes but have a good day and stay weird :)

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