-Chapter 40-

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Moonbyul Pov
I could hear a phone ringing, but i didn't know whether it was Irene's or mine so I quickly answer. I answered without checking who was calling, but it was early morning so it had to be important. (Moonbyul speaking, Solar speaking.)

"Byul! Are you okay? I heard what happened with you and seulgi!" I was surprise to know it was Yongsun calling me. I immediately snap out of my thoughts and get out of bed and head towards the living room to let Irene sleep. "I'm fine unnie. Things just got a bit out of hand." I chuckle and sit on the couch feeling a bit pain. "Why did you guys fight?" I could tell Solar was more than curious and worried about me, but what exactly should I tell her.

"Seulgi was bothering Irene and was... I'm not sure how to explain. She just wasn't seulgi, does that make sense?" I sigh not knowing if she would be able to understand, but it's funny how she's still worried about me. "It's okay Byul, I understand what you're saying. People are overwhelmed with their own feelings they don't know how to act upon them. She'll realize her mistakes just like I did." Yongsun spoke so softly that I almost forgot how soothing her voice was. I wasn't sure what to say, but it felt nice to know she was there for me.

"Thank you for checking up on me, I appreciate it." I say, but my heart felt as if it was at peace. "Of course Byul. I'll always be there for you as your best friend and I'm sorry about what I said. I was just angry, but I promise it won't happen again." I could tell she was sincere about her apology so who was I to reject it? "It's okay Unnie I forgive you, but let's move past that, okay?" I say and grab the pillow and play with it. "Thank you. But make sure to rest up and drink water. And call me if you need anything!" Yongsun said and I couldn't help but smile knowing I had my best friend back.

"Don't worry unnie! Joohyun will take care of me, but you should rest up as well." I said with a chuckle knowing she'll be all over the place. "Roger that hamster!" She said with a laugh and I join her, but we say our goodbyes and it felt nice. To have things somewhat back to normal is good, but I still have to deal with Seulgi and I knew it wouldn't be any good if we continue like this.

Seulgi, it was never my intention to fall for her, but the way she fit in my arms was too much of a temptation for me to ignore. I thought to myself but Joohyun was a intriguing person and so I naturally fell for her personality and everything about her. Her cute smile when she sees something she likes or the way she'll get shy because of all the stares she receives but how could someone ignore her? She was more than beautiful and words couldn't describe her and no picture could truly capture her beauty, but it was more than okay because she was mine.

Bae Joohyun had captured my heart and it was the best mistake I've ever made. No regrets and no feeling of disappointment was felt expect the love I have for Joohyun. She was my person now and things would get better, but until then I'll have to overcome many things. And maybe they weren't the blind lovers, maybe it was Joohyun and I, and maybe it has been since the beginning.

I hope you guys are having a good day! But I've managed to update, but I won't be able to update until next week and I hope you understand :( School work is piling up and I wanna do good, but I'm sorry for any mistakes but enjoy the show! (Sorry for the short chapter!)

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